Diaper Rash: Myself, Maalox

Results 1-10 from 221 articles

Diaper Rash

K.R. asks from New York

My one year old has a REALLY bad diaper rash (her 1st bad rash).... What could have caused it, but more importantly what is the BEST treatment? I have A&D and we hav...


Diaper Rash

R.H. asks from Boston

Every once in a while my daughter goes from having perfectly healthy looking skin to having a nasty painful diaper rash in a matter of hours. Yesterday she had a bm, ...


Diaper Rash

A.W. asks from Fort Wayne

my 2wk old son has really bad diaper rash what can i use? desitin it not working?


Diaper Rash

A.W. asks from Atlanta

I need a good diaper rash remedy. My 8 month old has her first serious diaper rash (I have no idea where it came from). She woke up at 1:00 this morning crying with...


Diaper Rash

E.C. asks from Corpus Christi

My five month old has her first (pretty bad) diaper rash. I've been using Desitin clear. What ointments/advice has worked for you all? Thanks!


Diaper Rash

F.S. asks from San Antonio

I have a 6 week old baby girl with very bad diaper rash. I have been using Desition but I don't really see an improvement, what else can I use or do?


Diaper Rash

J.M. asks from St. Louis

HI! Any good remedies or creams that seem to work better to cure diaper rash? I know I've seen questions on this topic before and of course never wrote any ideas dow...


Diaper Rash

M.B. asks from New York

My son has a bad diaper rash. Desitin is not working. I've been using A&D ointment. Is there anything else I can use or do?


Diaper Rash

S.S. asks from Omaha

My son typically has 1 poopy diaper per day. Yesterday he had 5 poopy diapers and 3 today. Not quite diarrhea but really mushy (sorry if thats gross) which started to...


Diaper Rash

M.G. asks from Dallas

Moms, do you have any secrets to relieving diaper rash?? My 9month has Rotavirus and has sever diaper rash. We have used Butt Paste and soaked her in Domeboro...any o...