Development: Princess

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27 answers

"My Princess Boy" and "What Would You Do"...

I have a little girl (two actually) that are 1/2 princess, 1/2 tomboy. My 3 y/o has an iron man mask, pirate costumes, police costumes, as well as princess and fairy costumes. I have no issue with her playing with trucks or trains or cars. I seriously cannot understand why it's so "unheard" of to have boys play house or barbies. How many of you moms would be weirded out if your boy would be intersested in this kind of play? I have no boys yet, but my hubby agrees with me.


Son Who Loves Pink

My 3, almost 4, year old son has recently declared that pink is his favorite...

Crushes & Dating

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Do You Have a Crush?

I have been seeing the same chiropractor for five years. My son has been...

Makeup & Clothing

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24 answers

Too Much Princess?

My parents watch my 2 year old two days a week and are great with her. They have more than just a occasional grandparent role in her life and have a big influence on her. No offense to anyone, but my husband and I don't like princess and all things girly for her. She certainly wears pink and has dolls, but we also expose her to Curious George, Elmo, sports etc. We just don't love princess as a role model. My parents are over the top on all things princess, dance, frilly, etc and it is starting to annoy us. She came home with 2 princess...


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73 answers

My 3 Year Old Son Loves to Dress like a princess.......what Should I Do?

For about 4 months my 3 year old son has been very attracted to the Disney princessess and any other princess-like characters. When he has the opportunity he likes to put on his little girlfriend's princess costumes and dance around the house. We do not have princess costumes at home so he will make due by getting scarfs and asking us to tie them around his body as the dress and then put one on his head as the hair. At first, I had no problem with this; I thought it was cute. Now I've begun to worry and have had conversations with...