Teething: Toddler, Albuterol

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19 answers

Teething problems....I Think??????

My 9 mo. old has been teething since he was 3 mos. old. When he was 6 and 6 1/2 mos. old he cut his two bottom teeth and the past few weeks he's been trying to cut his top teeth. However for the past week or so he's been unbearable to handle. He stopped eating his usual rice cereal and baby foods and has only wanted to nurse (but that has even been hit or miss). He not sleeping, nap time he only sleeps 10 minutes here and maybe 20 minutes there. At night when he does sleep he wakes up every hour screaming his head off. I took him to...


9 Month with Cold

I am pretty sure my son has a cold. His nose is runny but stuffy at the same...