Preventative Care: Zyrtec

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60 answers

Advice on Allergies and Asthma in 4 Year Old

My daughter will be 4 in July and we have had two trips to the ER since January due to coughing fits and once by ambulance because she stopped breathing (found out she had pneumonia). I saw an allergist who said she definitly has Asthma. He prescribed Zyrtec, Nasonex, and Advair. I don't believe my daughter needs all of these medications and I'm seeking a second opinion this week. I gave my daughter the Zyrtec and this morning she had a coughing fit, followed by vomiting. I won't give her the Advair until I see a Pulm. Specialist. I...


HELP! I'm Desperate!

I have never done anything like this before, but I am desperate for any...


87 answers

Treatment for Eczema

Hello everyone, I am looking for ANY suggestions you may have on treating eczema on my 7.5 month baby boy. He is currently on Protopic and it is very expensive, not to mention I'm not too fond of the possible side effects. I am open to any suggestions you ladies may have. Thank you!!


Visits & Tests

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7 answers

Zyrtec Vs. Nasonex

My 2.5 year suffers from a chronic wet cough. It's been months and months and the cough is still there. At one point, we gave him Zyrtec per the dr's recommendation and it cleared up for alittle while but then it came back. Nasonex helped another time but then it also came back. Now I'm at a loss - do I have to give Zyrtec and/or Nasonex daily to keep the cough away? Or is it on an as needed basis? What's the difference between the 2 medications and which is safer? How long have your kids been on it? Thanks!