Pregnancy Books & Guides: Adidas

28 answers

Have You Ever Been Completely Broke?

The question about the husband having to share a hotel room with a couple, brought up memories of being completely broke. Broke meaning $5. to last 5 days until payday. NO credit cards to fall back on and worried about being able to even get to work. I recall these days. We did our best to not spend a dime. We could not borrow money, we had no credit. I was worried about the Toilet paper situatuation. Thank goodness we had jobs, even thought we were barely making it. We had a place to live. Our bills were slightly late, but...

Websites & Resources

11 answers

Comfortable Shoes for Pregnancy-

Can anyone suggest a brand of shoes for comfort during pregnancy. I work in a professional environment so I need something semi dressy. I feel like I have a lot of leg and back pain already and I am just starting my second trimester.