Healthcare Providers: Preschooler, Aquaphor


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26 answers

Excema = Allergy?

Does Excema ALWAYS mean there is an allergy? My son is 6 months old and has had bad excema since about 2 months. Under my ped's advice, I use Cortisone and Aquaphor, but it's still there. It is getting a little better but nonetheless, it's still there. I don't know if it could be a milk allergy, or dust allergy. Could he develop asthma because of this? I question my ped all the time and he just says "Awww don't worry about it. If he's eating, sleeping, and playing, then he's fine." But as a Mom I am concerned. Help Mamasource! :)

ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat)

See all 11 articles
22 answers

*3 Year Old with Rash Around Her EYES*

okay i dont if i've addressed this before, but my 3 year old is DEFINATELY my rashy kid! its always something! she went to the pediatrician 3 weeks ago for a check up, and she had just began to develop this rash AROUND her eyes. the doc said it was just some kind of outdoor/indoor allergy (not a food allergy)... so it starts getting a bit worse, so i called the doc back and she told me to give her 1 tsp of kids otc allergy meds daily... well THREE WEEKS LATER its not any better. it doesnt bother her, its not contagious, it doesnt itch or...


Cracking Lips 3 Yo...

I have a 3 year old daughter, who recently (for the last 2-3 months) always...