Cough & Cold: Toddler, Zyrtec

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24 answers

Always Stuffy Nose

My 2 1/2 year old daughter has been having this stuffy nose problem for past 3-4 weeks or so. She's not sick and doing well, but her nose is always stuffy. Not runny or have cold symptoms, but I guess something must be bothering her nose. It's not stuffy 24 hours, but she usually has something in her nose that bothers her and sometimes it's hard for me to watch her being so bothered by her stuffy nose. She hates the saline spray, so when I try to use that on her, she panics and gets upset. And even when I do get that in her nose, it...

Cold Treatments

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15 answers

Seeking Other Moms' Experience Giving Zyrtec to a Child

Hi, my daughter is 1 and has been experiencing alot of congestion and a post nasal drip/constant cough for about 3 weeks now. It almost seemed like it was getting better but then started to come back. We went to the doctor and she said it is most likely seasonal allergies and that I could give her 1/2 tsp. of Zyrtec. I was wondering what other's have experienced with the Zyrtec. Has it helped? Are there any other suggestions? I have tried the steamy showers, a vaporizer with some liquid vicks in it, elevated her mattress, and Benedryl ...