ADD / ADHD: Toddler, Claritin

13 answers

Our 7 Year Old Is Going to Drive Us All Crazy!

Hi. My 7 year old son is in the first grade. He is very very smart sometimes too smart. The problem we are having at home and he is having the same problem at school that when he is given work he unable to organize himself so that he can complete it. He is constantly losing and misplacing work or drifting off. When it comes test time though he gets perfect scores but I thinks its because its the only task he has in front of him. This has been going on all year his asthma also flared up a lot this year so they changed meds, doses, etc...

ADD / ADHD Medications

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34 answers

Behavior Problems with Allergy/Asthma Medicine

I have a 4 year old boy whom has mild allergies and reactive airway syndrome. We have have recently decided to try medicines recommended by our son's doctor. One of the medicines was a daily dose of Singular. My son began to have daily behavioral problems consisting of anger, crying, and rage. At first, we thought it was a new stage that we were going through and began to worry about what kind of challenges we were going to have in the near future. We began to think it might be the medicine and took him off the daily Singular. His behavior...