Would This Make You Want to Move?

Updated on September 28, 2011
R.D. asks from Richmond, VA
30 answers

We have ghosties in our house, to be blunt. I don't care about what skeptics have to say, everyone who's been to my house has seen or experienced something. I've posted about this stuff before.

My husband is terrified of ghosts because 'he can't hit it if it attacks'. We aren't attacked, we just have weird things going on once in a while.

Anyway, last night, my husband and I were both on the porch in the dark sharing a cigarette, and we saw a man walk into our backyard, then down the stairs that go down to our basement... which would have been weird in itself, except our motion sensor light didn't come on. I asked him 'is it on? Did you turn it off for something?'... and then both our eyes got really wide; that light is crazy sensitive, and no, neither of us would have ever turned it off.

Side note, there is only one way in and one way out of our backyard.

So my husband jumps up and runs down there (NOW the motion sensor light goes on), and now he's thinking 'maybe we didn't just see that'... the basement door was wide open (I've mentioned on here before, that door sticks, badly, like you have to really put your shoulder into it for it to open), and the weight bench was pulled into the center of the floor, and the box of Halloween decorations that I had taken out was sitting on the center of the weight bench, with one little ghost figurine sitting on top of the box.

My husband FLEW back up the stairs, and said 'that's it, we're moving'.

Yeah, this is by far the weirdest thing that's happened (and I had been down to the basement probably about an hour before this; the weight bench was right where it always is)... but MOVING?! I was telling some of the other mom's on here, my husband found a house equally small... I'm not moving from one tree fort to another!!

Usually when something weird happens, that's it for a while... we forget anything ever happened, then something else happens... but nothing like this before. It's still harmless, just creepy.

So what would you do? Would you move? Try to cleanse the house? It's obviously outside too, that was a first... and we SAW him, clear as day (previously we were thinking it was maybe my husband's deceased sister... we don't know this man)...

So now what?!?! I don't want to move unless it's a well thought out, planned move.... last time we jumped into a house we ended up with the small one we're in now!!

What would you do??

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So What Happened?

Mrslavallie, WOW you're rude... to hint that I was doing drugs?! Just who do you think you are?

Featured Answers


answers from Norfolk on

My Uncle moved into a haunted house years ago.
They actually got a discount on it because no one wanted to buy it, it's reputation was that bad.
He had 7 kids.
He said if the ghosts can take what ever his kids dish out, he can live with the ghosts just fine.
They never had any problems with with it.

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answers from Des Moines on

I would have been moved out at the first strange happening! I am such a huge chicken, no way could I sleep at night with those kind of things!

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answers from Dover on

I was actually thinking along the same lines as Cheryl as far as the ghosts following you. I mean, what will Rob's reaction be if you guys go to all the trouble of selling this house, packing everything up, buying another house, moving all of it in, and there are still ghosties...?

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answers from Phoenix on

I would be in the Guiness Book of World Records for fastest move out of a home...

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answers from St. Louis on

He seems nice. Doesn't sound like he is trying to hurt you, just make sure you know he is there. Maybe charge him rent, that may make him leave. :p

Harmless but creepy doesn't bother me enough to move. Maybe if he would help you pack? Nope still not worth it.

I joke but I am taking you seriously. I swear there are times I think I see things, I just can't figure out if it is my imagination going crazy.

Heck I would try to communicate with him but we all know I am a little out there....

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answers from Washington DC on

ooh Rob!!! take a deep breath honey!!! let it out...while i understand his fear since he "can't hit it"

I'd be upset that the ghost left the door open...and ask in the future that he please close the door behind him.

So, no, I would want to trade one tree fort for another...I would hold out for a bigger place...who knows!! Since you are sensitive - Rach - they could just follow you!!

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answers from Detroit on

I've had ghosts in 2 of 4 houses I've lived in. I never even considered moving because of it.

Talk to him. He might not know he's a spirit. When I have spoken out loud to them, it stops. With the exception to my grandparents stopping in for a visit from time to time. But they let me know [subtle ways] that it's them.

And... If you believe in the Bible and God, how is it that you don't believe in ghosts????? The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, no???

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answers from La Crosse on

lmao Denise!

No I would not move. I would bless the house and I can find the scripture I read for our house ( that worked so far) that our pastor gave us to help them pass to the other side, if your interested in it.

Our house is/ was haunted. My #3 son would get so fusterated because a little girl would wake him up every night and would want to play. Then one night after being tired and fed up he said no Im not playing with you, go away so I can sleep. The next night he went up to his room and as he walked into the room the girl told him to get out. He said it was a very mean scary voice, but he knew it was from the girl. That's when we blessed the house.

Before that we would hear a baby cry at all times of the day/ night. That bothered me because I couldn't help the baby. After about a year or so it stopped. Another time someone said my name, when I turned around nobody was there... it was a girls voice and my daughter wasn't born yet so we are assuming it was the same girl my son seen. We would have things go missing that we know we put in that spot.. then days later it would reappear in that spot. Every night at around 2-3am we still have a shadow man walk into the bathroom and about a half hour later walk out. We would actually wait up for it to see if it happened again after the first time seeing it... sure enough for a week straight it happened. Now if I wake up at that time I check to see if I see it... or if I have to use the bathroom I wait until I know its walked out lol. We hear foot steps all the time or a door open that shouldn't. None of this bothers us anymore even the kids are use to it. Thankfully after we blessed the house nothing has ever talked to any of us again or came directly to any of us... its all sounds, playful things and residual.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

And you're annoyed with the "Am I pregnant" questions? LOL Just kidding R.!
My moms house has been haunted since I can remember (probably about age 4 or 5 for me) and I'm now 47.
It's not a big deal if you don't make it a big deal. Incidents feed off of energy, particularly negative energy. (Fear of it, obsession with it, other negativity such as arguments, fighting, lying, etc.)
There is a psalm that my mom recites when it's getting "too" active--google for it.
Otherwise, just ignore it and it will stop.
The more afraid your husband is, the more you talk about it, the more activity you will see.

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answers from Las Vegas on

No it would not make me want to move. I agree with what Denise P. Said ignore it and don't talk about it in the house or out side at all. It will stop.

We just moved into a new to us house last weekend. It was built in the 50's and has been completely redone new carpet new appliances ect. Absolutely love it! Night before last my husband and I were in the back yard smoking and he was standing by the laundry room door and I was sitting near facing him. As we were talking I saw a short old lady go in our laundry room (right next to him) he is not afraid nor am I. I don't say anything let my husband finish talking when he stops mid sentence and turns and faces the door. I said you seen that too? He said yea. (He has always known these things happen and I see and feel them no matter where we live) I actually think it's pretty cool:) It's really awesome my husband actually got his first experience. As long as yours is not aggressive I think you guys should be fine. Again I would not talk about it anymore as it is only making it stronger.....:) hope this helps

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answers from Albuquerque on

Well, I'm one of the "believers". Our childhood home had ghosts and I worked in a restaurant that had ghosts. There were definitely instances that couldn't have been explained otherwise. Haven't had experiences lately but have definitely had my fair share. It didn't make us want to move or find a new job, it just was what it was, I guess.

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answers from Dallas on

I'm definitely not a skeptic even though I've never experienced anything that I would assume to be a ghost. I actually believe in ghosts and have always been a little fascinated by them.

I love watching any shows about ghost hunting or hauntings! I've always wanted to go spend the night in a haunted hotel but have never done it....not sure I wouldn't end up chickening out. LOL!!

I think as long as what you've experienced so far is harmless, I wouldn't move just yet. If you notice any signs of things starting to escalate, then I would start thinking about it.

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answers from Las Cruces on

I wouldnt move. Heck I would tell whomever it is that you would like to co-exist and maybe ask them if they could help with the mortgage if they were going to stay.

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answers from Colorado Springs on

Creepy. I'm curious...what were you really smoking? ;) Seriously though, do you guys watch horror movies, engage in any of the paranormal type of things? I do believe that there is a spirit world, that we don't normally see. But, I also believe that some people have experience with it. It is hard to understand or explain, but even in the Bible, we have a story of Saul who calls up Samuel from the dead to talk to him. We are clearly taught that this is evil, and we are not supposed to take part in such things (mediums, etc).
Would I move? Well, I don't think that I would ever be exposed to the types of things you are experiencing. We don't do any of these types of things, horror movies, etc. We don't even celebrate Halloween because it is too closely associated with these things that the Bible says are an abomination. I'm not sure you can run away from this if all other things stay the same. Sort of like what Cheryl was saying.

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answers from Toledo on

Next time you see "him" ask him to leave or start charging rent LOL...no i wouldnt move unless i felt we were in danger


Next time you see "him" ask him to leave or start charging rent LOL...no i wouldnt move unless i felt we were in danger

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answers from Youngstown on

Maybe you should have your house prayed for. If you go to church or know someone who would be willing to do this it's not a bad idea. It sounds evil to me even if you aren't attacked. My sister is a pastor and my father is a strong christian and they prayed for a coworker (sis also works at a coffee shop) house a couple years ago because wierd things kept happening. As far as I know nothing odd happened since. You never know what a previous occupant had brought into your house.

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answers from Washington DC on

If it were me, I would have to take every incident into account. If your hubby is really freaked out I would say to do as much searching on your end to find a few places to look at. Get an idea of both of your likes and dislikes in a new place and shoot for middle ground. Take your time, you've been living there for quite sometime. Myabe you can do some research on the previous owners of the home and get some answers. It could be pretty interesting?? Sorry you received such a rude comment, that was out of line.

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answers from Kansas City on

I'd walk around my house reading scripture at least 30-60 minutes daily and make sure that Satan knows he's not welcome. I wouldn't move.

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answers from Sacramento on

You could try having the house smudged with sage or doing it yourself... I wouldn't move unless I felt scared or threatened.

Interesting replies to this one!

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answers from Detroit on

How is the housing market there? Here you can get more house for your money these days, I say you have a reason to look for a bigger house but take your time and find the perfect one but def look.

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answers from Detroit on

Well, I'm a believer. I would move. I don't like stuff like that, it freaks me out too much.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

R., late in posting, but here are my $ .02.

I do think ghosts do exist, had some experiences myself, although I know that's not your question...

AS FOR MOVING, well, you HATE that house, don't you?? :) You see where I'm going with this... if hubs wants to move because of ghosts, perhaps this is your OUT! That's not to say that you should rush into another tree house, but I'd bet if you got to looking, you could probably find something you like a lot more than your current house, in a relatively short amount of time... I know I could!

So YES, move! But not necessarily because of the ghosts (you may find they are everywhere you are), but because this is your way to get out of a house you don't want! LOL A little underhanded, maybe, but what's wrong with indulging your husband on this one? ;)

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answers from Norfolk on

aahhh i would move!

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answers from Amarillo on

Perhaps you can contact a local church and have a House Blessing. I thought this was a bit strange when some people we knew had it done for their new home. Fast forward a few years later after hearing creaky footsteps on my ceiling we renewed our wedding vows (neighbor a priest) and be blessed us and the house and we have not had the creaky footsteps and a few other out of character experiences.

If that doesn't work then I would think about moving.

Good luck to you.

The other S.



answers from Cincinnati on

My house definitely had some issues when we first moved in- it was a foreclosure and some pretty weird stuff went on here. Anyway, I had it blessed before we even moved in and I've had it "cleared" 2 or 3 times in the 7 years since we moved in. You should look into having it blessed before you move, especially if you wouldn't be moving "up" (in your opinion). Good luck.



answers from Cleveland on

i would actually look for a larger house and see if you can find something you both like, and if you find something then move but if nothing is happen that is harming your family then i wouldnt be too worried UNLESS the kids are seeing stuff and are freaked



answers from Washington DC on

Did you think to check, immediately after finding the items had been moved, whether there was any other way out of the basement? Whether whoever you saw come in had gone out by another way? Do you have any neighbors with whom you have issues, who might want to mess with you? Because I'm with the one person (and I'm kind of surprised there's only one so far) who thinks there are no ghosts. Isn't it possible that in the hour between your seeing the weight bench and your going back downstairs, one of the kids got into the basement and moved things? (OK, not a weight bench itself, probably, but moving Halloween decorations around to give mom and dad a fright--that would be fun, no?) Or that you truly might have misjudged where the weight bench was earlier, when you weren't giving it your full attention like you were when you returned downstairs worried about a ghost? I think you'll answer no to all of these. But it's very different to be in a room just on your casual day-to-day business in your house, and to later rush into that same room worked up and worried and looking with intensity for something to be wrong.

I just tend to think that there are logical explanations for most things and that the simplest explanation is usually the right one. But for those who firmly believe in ghosts, I know that won't make one ounce of difference!



answers from Shreveport on

To me as long as there was no actual bodily harm done to anyone or the house I wouldn't move. Now if the kids are freaked out I would consider it but if the kids aren't bothered then why uproot them over something like a ghost.
I have worked in haunted places and never had an issue with it.
My MIL had a house she was renting that was haunted. Freaked my boys out one time during a visit when their toys started firing off without them touching them. But once I explained that nothing had actually happened to them they were fine with it and even waited to see if it would happen again.


answers from Detroit on

Have you tried to research the history of the house? R., thats suuuper creepy. ME, yeah, I would move.
I would have to double up my medication! Oh hell no!
Have you experienced this in other houses or just this one?



answers from Denver on

That stuff creeps me out pretty bad. I would maybe want to move...I suppose if nothing bad is happening that is good...but what if it escalates?

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