Seeking a Good Doctor for My 2Nd Pregnancy

Updated on April 25, 2007
E.A. asks from Tulsa, OK
14 answers

Hello Ladies, I'm looking for a good baby doctor for me for my second pregnancy. I would have liked to use the one i used with my first born. but he has retired and moved away. If anyone can recommend someone it would be great! i just moved to tulsa and don't know to much about doctors. thanks always E.

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So What Happened?

Hello Everyone! Thank you all so much for the great advice! I think i'm going to check into the Tulsa Womens OBYGN and Associates. thank you all again!

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answers from Tulsa on

Dr Terry Zanovich & Dr Paul Gehring both are excellent OBs that work out in the St John's Network through Tulsa OB-GYN and Associates.

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answers from Wichita on

Congratulations on number 2 E.. I went through Dr. Harris out at Southcrest. He was absolutely wonderful. I found I was more scared with the second one; course I believe it was because the first one was born with CP and that pregnancy was a lot easier than the 2nd one. E-mail me and let me know what you have and what you decide please. My e-mail address is Thank You Sweetheart!



answers from Tulsa on

I used Jay Williamson and plan to use him again! He is awesome!



answers from Tulsa on

I am also pregnant and I am going to Dr. Cunningham out of St. Johns. He is a great doctor and he really does seem to care for you as a person and about any problems you may have. He has a different sense of humour that makes me laugh at times and he also dont grill you if you gain too much wieght as other doctors I have been to in the past ( with my other children.) I would recommend him if you are looking for a good doctor. That is if you dont mind a male doctor.



answers from Tulsa on

Women's Health Group is awesome. They have mostly (if not all) female doctors in the group. They're by Hillcrest, at least they were when I had my last child. The number is ###-###-####. And if you're looking for a pediatrician, I wholeheartedly recommend J.W. Hendricks with Pediatric/Adolescent Care. He's by St. John, and he has been my children's pediatrician since they were born. My oldest will be 14 in November, and he's awesome. I have never had a problem with him. Good luck with your new baby!



answers from Tulsa on

Gina Gray, and the Dr.'s @ Tulsa OB-Gyn are fantastic. They have recently moved to a gorgeous's Williams building. I also was extremely pleased with the nursing care I's for the delivery and after, I have often commented that they treated me like my baby and I were the only one's they needed to care for...really a great experience. Good Luck in your search!



answers from Tulsa on

I used Joseph Cunningham for my last pregnancy and he is WONDERFUL! He makes you and your husband feel so comfortable and relaxed. It was a great experience.



answers from Tulsa on

Joseph Cunningham in the Wheeling Building is great he delivered my 2nd boy and helped me through a misscarriage. Unfortunately my insurnce didn't cover the Ultrasound that discovered the mc and I didn't get the bill paid off in time and they dropped me as a patient.
Gynecology & Obstetrics Assoc
1919 S Wheeling Ave # 300
Tulsa, OK zip code
Phone: ###-###-####

Dr. Parham is okay and in the same building. He's a little squirrely looking though.
1919 Wheeling
Tulsa, OK zip code

I used Martha Dannebaum's St. John's adjacent office for my youngest. She generally has her midwife deliver for her though and although Sherri is great it gave me some concern early on in my pregnancy because I was a chronic miscarrier. In that office they also have a Neonatologist check out the baby. I really like that. He is the coolest guy. She also has a South Crest adjacent location too.
Associated Women's Specialists

1705 E 19th Street, Ste 600
Tulsa, OK zip code

For my Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease I see Dr. Judith Blackwell. She's a Fertility Specialist at the Utica Park Clinic and practices out of Hilcrest.
Tulsa Center for Fertility
1145 S Utica Ave # 1209
Tulsa, OK zip code
Phone: ###-###-####

If you want to deliver at St. Francis I would call Dr Brian Hall. He's the best looking OBGYN in Tulsa.



answers from Tulsa on

E., my name is A. and I used Dr. Rhonda Lunn for all 4 of my pregnancies. She is located in the Warren building on Yale between 61st & 71st and is a good doctor.

There are two other doctors that a lot of girls in my Moms' Group (Metro Tulsa Moms) use: Dr. Nielson and Dr. Williams. I don't know where they are located, but I've heard wonderful things about them. They are both male though... not sure if you want a male or female!

We have a wonderful moms' group if you'd be interested in joining. You can go to: and select "Click to Join" if you'd like. We have 20 members that live all over the Metro Tulsa area. We get together about once a month for a Moms Night Out, sometimes meet for lunch (at a kid-friendly place) and do family holiday parties. The moms' ages range from around 24 to 35. It's a great group of girls, a lot of fun and a great place to make friends. :)

Hope to talk to you soon!



answers from Tulsa on

I agree with KIm, J Hendricks was my ped and now he is my childrens. FANTASTIC! My ob was Gina Gray. (She is at St. Johns- fabulous!) Super busy office though. But she and the rest of her group are great. (Tulsa Ob/Gyn and Assoc.)



answers from Tulsa on

E. - I've glanced at the responses so far, and while it would be unethical to name names, there are a couple that people have named that I would run away from if you're looking for a natural birth. You didn't say that you were interested in natural birth, but if you are, try Dr. Robert Aikman, Dr. Adam Myers, Dr. Rita Sanders, or Dr. Jonathan Baldwin. And, hire a doula! ;)



answers from Tulsa on

Dr. Trisha Parks is awesome!! Wouldn't use anybody else!



answers from Tulsa on

I went to Dr.Kathleen Heffron with the women's health group. She delivers at either St Johns or Hillcrest. I recommend them highly, you get to meet all of the doctors there just in case yours isn't on call at the time. They take great care of you and I would def. go back there again. I also recommend Hillcrest hospital. I delivered at their new Peggy V. Helmrich( I think that's how you spell it), it was great there and the nurses were awesome. My friend delivered at St Johns the same day and wasn't impressed with the nurses or facility.



answers from Tulsa on

Check into Tulsa GYN and Associates. I agree with the other lady, they are ALL fabulous. My sister-in-law recommended Dr. Zanovich to me and I am soooo glad she did. I love him. He is a fabulous fabulous doctor. He is older and may retire somewhere in the future, but he is very skilled and uses vacuum extraction....not forceps. That is something to look into because some of the older doctor's still use forceps. I know from experience that Dr. Zanovich uses the vacuum extraction method and is very good at it. He also doesn't jump into doing a c-section which I definitely appreciated! My sister-in-law's uterus ruptured (with her last pregnancy a year and a half ago) and Dr Zanovich did an emergency hysterectamy on her and saved her life. He really is an awsome doctor. Also, he is in with a group of doctor's and during your last month you get to visit with the group and I really liked Dr. Rabado (not sure how it is spelled, but my husband and I think of the song Mr. Roboto to remember her by) and if you would feel better with a female I would recommend her. She is young and shouldn't be retiring anytime soon. She was even nice enough to come see me in the hospital after I had my daughter and yet she wasn't even my real doctor! I plan on going to her whenever Dr. Zanovich retires.

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