Places to Swim?

Updated on June 25, 2008
K.W. asks from Lacey, WA
5 answers

I sent a request out over a week ago and got not responses. This is my first summer living here and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good swimming beaches? I went to Long Lake Park, but was not impressed. There was drinking,smoking and a lot of foul language. Does anyone no any family oriented places? Thanks!

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answers from Louisville on

K., hello! I'm fairly new from TX myself, only been here for a year. But my kids just love going to Tolmie State Park. They have a blast splashing in the water and looking for sea creatures. I'm not sure, haven't been there, but American Lake on base has a swimming area, I'm told. Another place we go is on base the McVeigh Fitness Center. They have an indoor pool with a slide for the bigger children. Not too busy usually. Hope this helps and Welcome to Lacey!

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answers from Seattle on

It's hard to find any beaches to swim in around here but there are some pretty places to wade, skip rocks and just look at the beautiful scenery. We like Point Defiance Park. There are lots of hiking trails and Owen beach is fun. But, the best beaches in this area are all in Oregon. We travel to Lincoln City or Cannon Beach at least once a year.



answers from Seattle on

Stay AWAY from the rivers. They run swift and hard. Later in the summer it might be ok if they run low. But I don't think they will run low this year. If you do go to the river wear a life jacket.
As for lakes, there is Millersylvania State Park,
There is water down town that you can run threw
Black Lake use to have a place you could swim.
Here is a link for The Olympian that has local swim holes.
I hope that this helps, just please remember to be safe around the water.



answers from Seattle on

I'm surprised, because I haven't had that issue at Long Lake. Another place to go is the Tenino Quarry. I've never been there, but have heard it's nice. Also Tanglewilde has a pool.



answers from Seattle on

There is always Tolmie state park. We take the kids down and wade thru the water, there is a nice sandy beach.

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