Out of Control Menstrual Cycle

Updated on March 07, 2008
S.H. asks from Blythe, CA
39 answers

I have an out of control menstrual cycle that is making me feel really run down. I am on my third week and it doesn't seem to want to stop. My friend recommends a partial hysterectomy but I don't know. I am not keen on Surgery of any kind unless it is life threatening. Is this the way to go? Does anyone have any other solutions? I'm sorry, I should have included that birth control pills are not an option since my mom died of ovarian cancer.

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answers from Modesto on

I have been having the same problem...and my doctor said it was an excess of estrogen, so she put me on a progesterone pill (microgestin 1/20) and it took a couple of months but it is much better now!!! I am 38 and will not allow anyone take my utero out unless it was absolutly necessary (like CANCER) other wise, look for alternatives!!! Love, G.. :0)

P.S. Avoid all types of SOY even lecithin!!!

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi S.,
I agree with you, about not being keen on surgery unless absolutely medically necessary. Are you perimenopausal or going thru menopause? How has your menstrual cycle been before this time?

I'm a big fan of herbs to work with the body's own healing system. Sometimes, I think its all about balancing the body's hormones. In other words, if something's off, it may be due to an imbalance in your hormones - this is not that uncommon, though, due to poor diet, lack of proper exercise, lack of appropriate amounts of sleep and excess stress in one's life.

Vitex is a great hormone-balancing herb. I regularly use red raspberry leaf and strawberry leaf for good reproductive health (I make teas from them). I recommend to do a little research and see what you find interesting and useful to you.

Let me know if you'd like more information that I might be able to pass on. Good luck!

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answers from San Francisco on

YOu may want to speak to you Dr. about whether you might have a autoimmune disorder called endometriosis or simply lots of fibroid tumors (common- not all women have problems from it) Definately get checked enema/iron poor blood from the bleeding- can make you tired and less clear on the fact that this needs to be cehcked and is NOT normal.
I saw a bioidentical hormone specialists at Los Altos Pharmacy, Nurse Bell, and after 4 surgeries related to my bleeding- which turned out not to stop even after a full hysterectomy because some endometrial tissue a form of uterine tissue which can get outside the uterus- was still present in my case. She suggested prometrium a form of progestrone which has few side effets and helped me tremendously. Get to the Obgyn but also not all are real up on endometriosis so don't stop there if the DR. is only suggesting surgery.

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answers from Santa Barbara on

you might want to get checked out for a tyhroid problem. I had realy bad cycles and lots of headaches and would be so worn out I couldnt function. Had a thyroid test and my thyroid was way out of control..Just a thought..



answers from Los Angeles on

I'm 38 and I've been there! My gyn would not do a hysterectomy because there is really nothing wrong with my ovaries (except for a rather large cyst) or my uterus. What she did was put me on the birth control pill. My husband had a vasectomy, but here I am still on the pill! But it has helped tremendously. My periods are now 4 days long, very light, and very predictable. I love it.

I would bleed sometimes for 28 days, then stop for 3 or 4, then start back up for 20 days. My longest for 34 days. It was horrible and I felt like crud. Start taking an iron pill to help combat the anemia (which will definitely make you feel sick and tired!), go to you gyn and do not leave there until they give you something to help.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi S.,
My sympathy to you. Have you been to the GYN for this already?
You should be checked out medically. A D & C can be done in the office now and usually takes care of it, if there are no other underlying reasons. I had similar issues, and the primrose oil etc. etc. didn't work for me. I urge you to get checked out and get your life back to normal!! My best. Anna



answers from Sacramento on

Have you tried birth control yet? The pill, the patch, the ring, the Depo shot or the hormonal IUD may help. You should also make sure you see your doctor, if you haven't already, to make sure there is not a more serious cause for your never-ending period. Good luck!



answers from San Francisco on

Have you seen a doctor? A partial hysterectomy seems very harsh, especially if this is the first time this has happened. (Is your friend a doctor?) There are many reasons it could happen and many of them may just involve a little bit of medicine...



answers from San Francisco on

I just had my own bout of an out of control menstrual cycle. After the birth of my third son, I couldn't stop bleeding for two years straight. My doctor had me on hormone pills, changed my diet to include more vegetables and foods high in iron. But none of it seemed to work. Then she performed a D&C, and that didn't slow down my cycle either. So finally, not even a month ago, I had a hysterectomy. It took me two years to go through all the different solutions before I finally decided to have the hysterectomy done. During those two years, my doctor had found several ovarian cysts, polyps, and fibroid. So, it was clear, that the surgery was needed.

I know this is very hard for you, but communicate with your doctor as much as you can. Also, include your husband during this time. My husband was a big help, he did a lot research and asked a lot of questions.

Good Luck!!!



answers from Sacramento on

Talk to an OB/GYN. One that has worked with these types of symptoms before is preferable. They'll be able to give you all of your options. Good luck!



answers from San Luis Obispo on

Dear S.,

Go to the doctor and take his or her advice. You owe it to yourself and your children to be as healthy as you can be. Surgery isn't exactly fun, but it is a lot safer than it used to be - this isn't the middle ages, you know.

C. N.



answers from San Francisco on

I am encouraging you to go and see a doctor. If you like make 2 separate appointments so that you can have 2 different oppinions. Do this right away. Friends mean well but diagnostic testing might find out what the cause is and then medical practitioners can render you the current options for fixing the problem. If your Mother had ovarian cancer, you should be aware that 'sometimes' cancer can run in families and the earlier that one is screened then the earlier cancers can be caught thus increasing one's chances of treatment. This problem could simply be a part of the normal perimenopausal cycle for you...but you will not know until you are screened with diagnostic testing. Get to the doctors.
Catherine RN
Mom of 4
a 25 and 24 and 7 and 8 year old-Brownie and Cub Scout leader, belly dance, hike, ski and bike



answers from Los Angeles on

Hello S.,
I believe something that extreme should be saved for a last ditch effort. Your body is trying to coomunicate an out of balance situation. I would invest in "The Nutritional Guide To Healing" for some advice. I would consider taking a homeopathic called Chinona Off./Cinchona Off. 30 c (2 spellings) or Sepia 30c. You can find these at Whole Foods and use their homeopathic book(s) to look these 2 remedies up and see which one matches your symptoms best. Coffee and red meat are h*** o* your system and often show themselves during menstruation. Instead of stopping these foods you can choose to add a big healthy salad daily. I am not a doctor. This is just my old wise woman ways. Good luck.

S. L.



answers from Los Angeles on

Are you on birth control? Sometimes the pill will lessen your cycle or even stop it entirely. I get the shot (Depo Provera) amd haven't had a period in 10 years. It may be worth talking to your Gynecologist about.



answers from Sacramento on

You should see your GYN and get a full exam, pelvic and bloodwork. Make sure they check your thyroid, you should also go to your general Doc and get a complete bloodwork done. At this point you really need them to check your iron level, because you have been bleeding for so long you could be losing too much iron, which does run you down.

There are a lot of options out there, your GYN would be able to tell you the pros and cons about all of them. Also, you might consider birth control pills in the short term to decrease/stop the bleeding while you go over your options.



answers from San Francisco on


At your age, you are getting into pre-menopause. Been there, done that. I think you should talk to your ob-gyn, not your girlfriends.

Please call your doctor and let him/her know what is going on. I really think your symptoms sound normal, and not to worry!

I care, let me know what you decide.




answers from Los Angeles on

Go to your OB. They may put you on birth control pills to regulate your cycle. They may want to do an endometrial biopsy to make sure there's no reason your bleeding so much. Whatever it is, you need to get checked out.



answers from Los Angeles on

i had the same problem in my 40's I had irregular periods and one that lasted 43 days. i went to my dr with this problem. they told me that it was part of being peri meopausal but that an endometrial biopsy was indicated. i ended up having a D & C and that resolved the problem hope this helps



answers from San Francisco on


Unless you've already seen an ObGyn specialist, don't even think about surgery at this point! A thorough examination by your doctor and your detailed history will give him or her more information to work with. I imagine that whoever you see will order some tests, review them with you, and if necessary, refer you to another doctor. Until you have taken these initial steps, please don't overwhelm yourself with thoughts of possible surgery!

Hope this helps.




answers from San Diego on

Hi S.,

If you aren't already on the pill, talk to your doctor about putting you on it. Apparently women in our age range tend to have this problem. I've been on the pill for about 2 years for the same reason and it's made a huge difference.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi S.,

I have always had heavy periods. I had an endometrial ablation 6 months ago and it's wonderful. I haven't had a period since. It's simple and virtually painless. Talk to your doctor if you think this might be an option for you. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

N. (____@____.com)



answers from Sacramento on

Do you have fibroids? They usually cause heavy bleeding, if you do, you can have an procedure that reduces the blood flow to the fibroids. Maybe you are anemic from the blood loss, try iron.



answers from San Francisco on

I remember my mom going through that about 20 years ago when she hit menopause. I remember her being exhausted from it, but it happened several times before it eventually stopped for good. She did not do anything surgical. Good Luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

A lot of people are telling you to try birth control pills but those don't always help and I agree a hysterectomy is a last resort but it doesn't have to be. There is a new proceedure called endometrial abalation it is an out patent proceedure the usually takes less then 10 minuets and the recovery time is about 2 to 3 days with mild abdominal pain and cramping much like a period. The proceedure consists of the Doctor inserting a fluid filled balloon into the uterus and then the fluid is heated which destroys the uterine lining. This is only an option if you aren't planing on having anymore children and it is about 95% effective. The first step is finding out what is causing the bleeding in the first place, I hope this info is helpful good luck.



answers from San Francisco on

Maybe try a birth control pill or IUD - They always regulated my cycle (Though I was the opposite). I have also used Natural progesterone cream - it is supposed to help with some PMS symptoms. It may be worth checking out?



answers from San Francisco on

Hi S. I feel for you , I had simular problems and at age 50 did get a hysterectomy ar VMC, but i would only do that as last resort . and now i take vaginal ring of esterone and cream of testosrone Have you had your hormones leavles properly checked wirh blood work? you may be out of wack and or have fibroids I could not get any satifactory help from Drs for over 15+ years . but I finaly found a very good private doctor ,Dr Margret Mahone ###-###-#### in san jose off of Forest ave she is very helpfull she has natural as well as conventional treatments her staff will talk to you on the phone before you decide to come in . I paid out of pockect to see her about 160 and then took her information to my insurance drs and they now follow her advice make sure you get checked for animia low blood counts and get on iron and b 12 if you are runned down ,good luck B.



answers from Los Angeles on

This happened to me as a teenager (not sexually active, I was a virgin). Not sure what it was but they put me on the pill for 3 months. I became regular after that and have not had a problem since. I am 35, have two kids ages 4 and 18 months now and am still regular. Good Luck.



answers from San Diego on

First, talk to your doctor not your girlfriend for medical advice. I am a doctor and I recommend you discuss options with a primary care provider and a gynecologist. The options range from do nothing and suffer through the bleeding (unless you are getting lightheaded from blood loss) or take birth control pills, or procedures like uterine artery ablation or hysterectomy as a last resort. Think very carefully about partial (uterus only) versus complete (including ovaries) hysterectomy. With no ovaries, you have no real risk of ovarian cancer and you never need a pelvic exam again. With ovaries, you don't take hormones, but you could get cancer and still need exams to check on the size of the ovaries. If the doctor you see does not fully address all the options, seek another opinion. Heavy and changing periods are very common at your age. Good luck.



answers from San Francisco on

Dear S.,

Sounds like you might have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) of which one of the symptoms is prolonged periods. I had the same thing & my OB-GYN recommended I get a DNC (an outpatient surgical procedure to clean out the lining of the uterus). I was put under anesthesia & went home the same day. Slight cramping & bleeding afterwards. They also biopsied the lining to rule out cancer. This worked for me as my periods have come back like clock-work. An hysterectomy (partial or otherwise) is too extreme. I suggest you talk w/ your OB-GYN for options. They may also check your hormone levels.



answers from Los Angeles on


check out this web-site it has lots of info on natural hormone balancing,per-menopause,menopause& the dangers of an hysterectomy.http://www.menoqueen.com/hysterectomy.php
surgey should always be the last resort.



answers from San Francisco on

I have been where you are! It is horrible. In June I had an endometrial ablation called NovaSure in June 2007. It has given me my life back. I went to Dr. Narisse Kendrick. I love her! She has done more of these procedures than any other doctor at Good Sam so I was in very good hands.

Good luck



answers from San Francisco on

S., don't panic just yet. This happened to me once. Three full weeks of a very heavy flow. It happened one time and never again. I did see my doctor and did blood work, ultrasounds etc., but nothing was found except slight anemia. This was several years ago and it hasn't happened again. Doc says its a fluke thing. I'd see your doctor soon and get testing done to be on the safe side...not to mention it always seems that once you've confirmed a doctors appointment the symptoms disappear so that's one way to make it stop!



answers from Los Angeles on

I am an Arbonne consultant and we have an amazing hormone balancing cream. It has changed peoples lives. You put a little dot of the cream on a soft tissue area, like under your arms, the back of your knees, your breasts for half the month, rotating the placement everyday. You count the 1st day of your period as Day 1 and on Day 12 you start using the product and use it until day 26. Then you dont use it at all from day 26 thru day 11 and start using again on day 12.
Have you read any of Dr. John Lee's books?..."What your doctor may not tell you about menopause, premenopause?" Do some more research before going in for surgery. Also, try Arbonne's Prolief Balancing Cream: It's only $34 and there is a 45 day money back gaurantee--no questions asked. www.marybethb.myarbonne.com



answers from Los Angeles on

I agree with Amy. This is not normal, and your OB/GYN should be informed. Is it possible you were pregnant again? You could be miscarrying. It could be/been an ectopic pregnancy. It could be PCOS, Endometriosis, Low-Estrogen, Per-Menopause... so many things. As gross as it is, they will likely do a pelvic, even though you're still bleeding. There's a good chance that they will put you on BCP to stop it. Then they may do a Laparoscopy which is a surgery, but just for diagnostic purpose. They put a camera in through your belly button (I think) and look at the abdominal areas of the girlly parts.



answers from San Francisco on

I have had this problem since I was 12 years old. I was diagnosed w/PCOS. I am not sure if that is whats going on with you. You need to see your doctor. Make sure you are taking iron and vitamin c!! A Birth control method would be good for you. I am not to keen on partial hysterectomy either.



answers from San Francisco on

Have you tried acupuncture? If you find the right person, it can make an incredible difference! I have recommendations for the Bay Area...not sure where you are?




answers from Fresno on

I hate to say it, but you might be starting peri-menopause. My mom had long periods during that time in her mid-forties. No fun but it does end eventually. Personally, I would not get a partial hysterectomy but that's something you should research and discuss with your OBGYN.

Both my mom and I have had problems with getting run down (and anemic) due to heavy and/or prolonged periods. After giving birth to my daughter, I got my period back right away despite exclusively breastfeeding and then got an IUD and bled some more. I think it was 4 months of straight bleeding. Yuck!

My mom and I have worked with this by eating foods high in iron such as red meat and dark leafy greens like spinach, chard and kale. She would eat liver & onions periodically, but I haven't been up to that. I have also found that my energy level is much better now that I stopped eating wheat and milk. I think these items were blocking my absorption of iron. I found out my adrenal glands were also really depleted, so I'm working to get them healthy and functioning again with dietary changes and specific supplements. You may want to see a holistic doctor, too. I got a lot of good nutritional advice and support from Dr. Scott Swarthout. If you're near Fresno/Clovis or Cupertino/San Jose, he works in both places. ###-###-#### I hope you get relief soon!



answers from Sacramento on

My sister had a cycle that caused so much bleeding that she would have to change her stuff every hour or less. Since she was done having kids her doctor recommended a procedure called an oblasion (not sure of spelling). Talk with your doctor about it, but it's basically where they scrap or something like that the uterin lining. She now has a period that last like a couple of hours and has hardly anything come out now. Definitely talk with your doctor about it though! It might be an alternative for you.

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