Other "Alternative" Moms? I Know You're Out There!

Updated on December 06, 2006
J.B. asks from Eugene, OR
7 answers

i am a 28 year old stay at home mother of two boys ages 2 and 6 months. i have lived in Eugene FOREVER but found all my pre-children friends vanished after my first child was born. i would love to meet moms and kids near the same age ... for playdates and talk to other grownups to save my own sanity! i am pretty heavily tattooed and find that moms at the parks and such dont seem to friendly. we dont bite, i swear!

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answers from Eugene on

I am 26 and stay home mom with 2 boys also. My eldest is almost 3 and my youngest is almost 8 months. I also have tattoos. I am not scared!!!! lol. I live in Springfield.



answers from Eugene on

Hi there, isn't it silly feeling like you a trolling for Moms at the park. My prebaby friends have all disappeared as well. My son is eight, so playdates might not amount to much but I wanted to tell you that there were other Moms in Eugene who existed and were not of the usual type at the park. Take care, send me an e-mail if you like.



answers from Eugene on

Wohoo! I am so excited that there are other moms out there like me! I have had the same experience. All my friends don’t understand me anymore and I don’t feel I can ask the moms in my play group to go to GWAR with me. I have only lived here for a few years. I am very interested in meeting other moms with similar interests! Let me know if we can get together.



answers from Eugene on

I am looking for the samething you are, and how rude of the other moms who only to only look on the outside! I have a 2 year old also and I am a stay home mom too. How funny is that I tattoo also. I am a 27 and I have only live in Eugene for 10 days and I dont know my way very well and I would love to meet someone who dose. I hope to talk to you soon.



answers from Portland on

Hey J.,
I just recently moved to the area and I have a 13 month old girl. I'm always up for going to the park and meeting new people. I'm not scared of you or any one else that has tattoes. I need to get out and meet some new people, too. So you should get a hold of me and we should hook-up.




answers from Eugene on

Hi J.,
I live in Eugene too, just moved here in January. I have been working on meeting other moms too. I have a 14yo, 8yo and 18 month old. Feel free to message me privately and we can meet at a park or something. :)



answers from Eugene on

Hi J., I would love to meet you and your kids, I wrote you a personal message with my number, so give me a call anytime. Veronika

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