My 1 Year Old Has Acne

Updated on September 13, 2007
M.S. asks from Omaha, NE
8 answers

I have a one year old and she hase terrible acne on her cheeks. I am not sure what to do to treat it. Her doctor told me to put hydrocortizone cream on it. It is not doing the trick. When she woke up this morning she had another large pimple on her cheek. Does anyone have any suggestions?? She has had it since she has been about 9 months old.

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answers from Great Falls on

My youngest son has always had a problem with his skin. Especially around his mouth. My doctor said to put a mild lotion on it twice or more a day. I use Mary Kay and it works wonders. Also, if you keep her face clean with soap, she may be allergic to it. I would try something else. Good luck.



answers from Boise on

It could be food allergies. Are there pimples elsewher? Thighs, buttocks, upper armss?

We use Amlactin. It is over the counter lotion. It's not cheap, but it helps. Just be warned, it may burn the first few times you apply it so apply a very thin layer.

I was always told not to use hydrocortizone or any cortizone treatments on young children, especially only 1 yo. Their skin is too thin and it can make their skin even thinner and do permant damage.

The acne may also just be something that you will have to put up with and she will grow out of it as she ages.

If it really bothers you, then I suggest you see a dermatologist.



answers from Billings on

She may have a food alergy. They say it is not uncommon for kids to get acne but I know my son and a young age had terrible sores and rashes on his face. I found out that he was alergic to cows milk, soy milk and corn (corn syrup). It is an approach but not all people like that approach. You can try changing her from cows milk to soy milk to start and see what happens.

Good luck



answers from Sioux Falls on

My one year old seems to get pimples when she is teething. I know its strange, but it is true. I just leave them alone and they go away themselves. Pimples on babies are quite common and though could mean a medical problem, I wouldnt get too excited about them unless they dont clear up at all. Good Luck!



answers from Great Falls on

Hi M.,
I don't know if you have tried switching soaps, and lotions, but if you would like to try a bit of Arbonne ( to check out the details.) It is seriously the absolute best for problem skin, children and adult, and not a harsh chemical base, no fragrances, no mineral oil, so it is nourishing. If you'd like a free sample pack I would love to get your feedback, I am convinced, it will help her, my girls have had much success (3 yrs. and 11/2 years) E-mail me your mailing address, and it's all yours! :)



answers from Billings on

Change her soap to aveno bar for dry sensitive skin. They sell it at Walmart. Do not use hydrocortizone. It will cause permanent damage. Is she taking vitamins? My son had eczema and after I gave him vitamins and added extra C it cleared up.



answers from Lincoln on

my daughter had that problem also. We used to put a warm washcloth on to help. To help heal and prevent the pharmasist told us to try some exzema medicines. We talked to doc and got one that was especially for kids. Good luck.



answers from Des Moines on

I would try switching your laundry detergent. Go with something unscented or hypo-allergenic and skip the fabric softener on the sheets. I'm drawing a blank on specific products but maybe do some research online. Is it worse in the morning?

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