JFF: What Food Do You Hate?

Updated on February 04, 2013
S.G. asks from Beverly Hills, CA
52 answers

The temperature outside today is -45 degrees celcius. I am stuck at home with two boys who spent the entire day yesterday puking. I am a little bored.

I love food. I have only one food I dislike. I actually hate it. Often the sight of it will cause me to gag. The smell of it has made me vomit. I have had people try to sneak it into other foods to see if I would notice, but I can instantly detect the texture and the taste. That food is coconut. I can usually avoid coconut as long as I avoid desserts, but I have found it in the odd main dish (ie curry). So, two questions. 1) Do you like cocout? 2) Is there any food item that you dislike to this extent, that you can't choke it down?

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So What Happened?

I am 300 miles north of Minot.

Luckily my husband also dislikes coconut, although he can eat a granola bar that has coconut in it, as long as there is also chocolate.

I am not a chocolate fan either, ever since I had kids anyway. I do like to have a couple of Halloween sized candy bars around my period (preferably with peanut butter or caramel), and I will always choose vanilla over chocolate. Oddly, my husband has this cocoa bean scented lotion he uses and to me it smells like coconut!

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answers from Philadelphia on

semen. he keeps telling M. its a wieght loss tool but I'm not buying it.
he tried to say it was a great face cream. bastard, the doctor looked at M. like i was nuts (no pun intended) when he asked what lotions i used and i responded with the truth

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answers from Washington DC on

my husband is right with you. it's so aggravating because i ADORE coconut and can't use it in cooking anything we're both going to eat.
for me it's brussel sprouts and asparagus. blick. there's nothing you can do to those two things to make them remotely palatable to me.
i would die. drop down dead. expire on the spot. just shoot me now.

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answers from Portland on

I like coconut.

I hate raw onion! I cannot eat onions raw. I'm not fond of brussel sprouts.

ETA: Raw oysters make me gag!

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answers from New York on

coconut is ok.. not something i really enjoy but if its in/on something ill eat it... for me its brussel sprouts.. my dad n fiance love them.. just the smell makes me wana barf!... my fiance has a serious aversion to mayonaise.. he will eat it if its mixed in things - like potato salad - but he cant even watch me put mayo on my sandwich.. i love mayo so i tend to over do it but still he really really cant deal with it.. my dad thought he was being funny- he didnt think his reaction would be so bad- one day last week they worked together and he brought a sandwich from home that he loaded with mayo.. he called my fiance into the office and as he walks in my dad bites the sandwich so the mayo squirts out n then wipes it off his face and eats it... no joke fiance ran outside and threw up!

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answers from San Francisco on

hard boiled eggs...gag


Just M. -- LOL!!! semen! Your husband cracks me up.

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answers from Milwaukee on

BTW to a PPer there is no blood in meat the pink juice is not blood. :)

I don't like sweetened coconut at all, will spit it out if it gets in my mouth. I do, however, love coconut chunks right from the coconut and I love unsweetened coconut milk in curry dishes.

I like pretty much anything else. Well, I don't think people should be eating disgusting things like head cheese, blood soup and similar. That's just sick LOL

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answers from Kalamazoo on

I hate raisins, they remind me of rabbit turds.

I also hate hamburger helper, even the smell sicks me out, and I hate sloppy joes. I also hate tuna noodle, which is my husbands favorite of course, so I make it for his birthday, he likes it with blueberry muffins, blech!

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answers from Dallas on

I don't mind coconut, but it's not my favorite. The flavor is ok, but I don't like the texture of coconut flakes at all.

I hate carrots. I've tried so badly to like them, they are just the most horrid things. That sick-sweet taste is so disgusting. I can eat them if they've been cooked to smithereens in a soup, but other than that, YUCK. Oh, and canned spinach. My GOD that's horrible. *GAG*

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answers from Boise on


The smell is enough to make me want to vomit. The taste does make me vomit. I would much rather eat my own tongue then eat honey.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I am a horribly picky eater (The list of foods that I like is way shorter than the ones that I don't like), and my tastes change daily. My grandma hates it. She always makes cream chicken when I come over because I liked it when I was younger but haven't liked it in about 5 years. She forgets that I don't like it now, remembers me liking it when I was a kid, and tries to impress me. Every time! Lol

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answers from Kansas City on

I love coconut. I hate most fishy stuff, but I will eat fried shrimp.

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answers from Raleigh on

I like the taste of coconut. But hate the texture that you find most of the time. It's like chewing on fingernails. I hate any food that I find in my mouth 6 hours later (like shredded coconut).
I don't like biscuits. Homemade, store made, none of them. Being from the south, my grandmother is probably rolling over in her grave right now. But the texture is like chewing on a wad of wet paper towels. Yuck!
Apparently, I have a texture issue.

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answers from Dallas on

I like piña coladas. I can't do coconut shavings. Reminds me of finger nail clippings. Sorry gagging now

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answers from Rochester on

Oooh, I love coconut anything. Yum. :) Coconut milk is delicious! Coconut cookies...candy...bread...oh, yum. I am sorry you don't like it!

There is a spice that I can't choke down, and I am lost for the name of it right now. Sage, maybe? And as far as food goes, I cannot choke down stuffing/dressing. Blech. Or hard boiled eggs or egg salad.

Everything else I'm okay with. :)

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answers from Honolulu on

(1) I generally do not like coconut things... BUT, it highly depends on how it is made or prepared.
In Hawaii, there are MANY things with coconut.
AND yes, Curry is commonly made, with coconut milk. ie: Thai foods. This is a staple ingredient.

I do not like, shaved coconut as in desserts.
I do not like it on candies.
Both of which is common in Hawaii.
I also do not like coconut drinks.
I do however, like "Haupia." Which is a Hawaiian dessert made with coconut.

(2) I do not like fish. But I do cook it for my family because they like fish and I know how to cook it in many ways. I just eat something else on those nights.

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answers from Norfolk on

We love coconut fresh, cooked, dried, we like the coconut water and coconut milk too and we love it in any dish we've come across so far.
We also like Almond Joy and Mounds bars and chocolate coconut clusters.
My husband loves peanuts - but hates hates hates peanut butter!
He says the sticky consistency in his mouth just is something he can't deal with.
I can't stand okra - not the taste or the sliminess.
It doesn't matter how it's cooked - I just gag on it.
But I love raw oysters and clams - people say they are slimy but I love them.

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answers from Jacksonville on

I like coconut.

I used to like stir fry, but we ate it so much that I can't stand it anymore.

I've tried and tried to like shrimp, but the texture is horrid.

I can't stand peppers on my pizza.

I'm sure there are others but I can't think of anymore.

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answers from Detroit on

Love coconut...the smell, the taste, the texture. I love them young and fresh off the tree. It's my absolute favorite and my first daughter's. We love long boy candy =).

Hate canned pasta yuck!

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answers from Washington DC on

Sherri - I thought you were in Canada!! So this might not make sense to you - but for those in the military - it will!!

WHY NOT MINOT??? Freezin's the reason!! :)

Yeah...that just a tad bit nippy!!!

I cannot stand raisins. Like you the texture, taste, smell make me GAG...

Coconut is the 2nd...why? Because after living in Hawaii - it was in everything...or so it seemed...I especially do NOT like the "shredded" coconut you can buy in a can/bag. GAG ME!!!

Now for some reason - Coconut milk doesn't "offend" me the way the shredded or pieces does!! I don't go out of my way to drink it. But it doesn't make me gag!!!

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answers from Janesville-Beloit on

Love coconut anything (coconut m&m's-yum!l). My husband hates it though. There are very few foods I do not like. Water chestnuts, stuffing (I think its the sage?), and those weird fake peanut butter flavored candies at halloween-the ones that come in plain orange or black wrappers.

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answers from Seattle on

I don't really add coconut to anything, but will eat it. Doesn't make me react the way it does you.
I can NOT eat at Arby's. Oh my. If I smell it I am gagging. The two times I have eaten there I got the barfs and the trots. FUN TIMES!
Regular at home food....I can't eat pickled beets. I can't even get them up to my lips. Blech Blech Blech.
I have tried seafood because I KNOW it's good for me and I can't stomache anything from the sea.

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answers from Dallas on

Like coconut. Hate the smell of salmon and will gag at it on occasion.

My youngest is the pickiest. He is also my puker. Bad combo.
He once bit into a cherry tomatoe while I was holding him and he projectile vomited across the kitchen. He was sitting in my lap one thanksgiving and my plate was full. He decided he wanted a bite of deviled egg..yep, all in my plate.

We will eat so differently when he goes to college in the fall!

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answers from Tampa on

I HATE yellow squash....reallly despise it. My grandfather used to grow this massive garden and nothing grew quite as well as those damn yellow squah. My parents would make me choke down that nastiness.

I also hate yogurt. I hate that tingling sensation on your tongue when you eat a spoonful. I know that it is good for you, but I would just rather take my chances...

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answers from Seattle on

Oh, I LOVE coconut, anytime, anywhere, anykind,...I even use coconut shampoo and conditioner.

I hate tripe....gross, gag...disgusting.

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answers from Washington DC on

I like coconut fine, but it would never occur to me to specifically seek it out. If it came in a random dish, I wouldn't mind, but I also would never think, "Ooh! This has coconut, I HAVE to have it."

We don't eat meat, so obviously we wouldn't try to choke that down. Otherwise, I find that I'm becoming less picky as I grow older. As a child, tomatoes used to make me gag, but now I like them on a sandwich or in a salad. I used to HAAATE olives, onions, mushrooms, and bell peppers, but now I can tolerate them if they are served on, say, a pizza. I'm also not a huge fan of dried fruit, but I can eat enough to be polite if necessary.

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answers from Columbia on

1. I love coconut.

2. I dislike pickled beets and cannot be pursuaded to eat them. There isn't much out there that will make me gag, as I have a very strong stomach. I also don't care for sweet pickles or macaroni salad. Miracle Whip grosses me out too...but I can eat it if there is no other condiment option.

ETA: I also don't care for bell peppers. I too find that their flavor overpowers whatever dish they're in. I never cook with them, even in recipes which call for them.

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answers from Dallas on

I don't like coconut either, never have. I really don't know what it is about it that I don't like though. It doesn't make me sick to smell it or taste it; I just don't like it. What I really don't like is smoked salmon. Gross! :)

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answers from St. Louis on

I like coconut...do not love it. My dad HATES it...and when he and my mom first started dating, she made him a German Chocolate cake from scratch - I think that is the one with the coconut in the frosting!? LOL

I do not think there is anything I HATE. I do not like peas and often gag when I smell those. But if they are in soup or pasta, they do not bother me - just canned with butter/cheese bother me. I hate the way canned tuna smells...but learned after 10 years being together that I like the way hubby makes it! But often can't get paste the smell.

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answers from Chicago on

Eggplant. Blech. I also do not like blood saugage (or Kiszka as it is called by my mom). I also HATE creamed corn. The only thing that stuff is good for is cornbread.

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answers from New York on

I don't like peanut butter, raw, or in cookies, or in chocolates (reeses pieces make me puke). my kids love pb and j and i gag while i make their sandwiches. my husband loves his vanilla ice cream with a spoonful of peanut butter. yikes.
i used to hate filet mignon (or any steak for that matter). come to find out it was because my husband likes his bloody so he used to make me like that too until i realized i can actually have a well-cooked piece of meat. now i love filet mignon.
i don't like desserts much.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I like the *flavor* of coconut (like in curry or pina coladas), but if a *piece* of shredded coconut finds its way into my mouth, I will FLIP OUT. German chocolate cake, Girl Scout Samoa cookies, coconut cream pie, all gross.

The one thing that will make me throw up is raw (or only slightly cooked) onions on something that's mostly soft (as in, I'm ok with tiny bits of red onion in a salsa, for example). I once took a bite of a buffalo chicken cheesesteak and there was a massive piece of half cooked squnchy onion in it. I had to hold my hand over my mouth to keep from throwing up. And I'm not usually prone to dramatics. I'm gagging a bit just reliving the memory...

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answers from Minneapolis on

LIMA BEANS....gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggg....omg they have got to be the most gross thing on the planet!!!! looks like giant boogers...the other
CREAMED CORN...GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!!!!! looks like poop out of a new born babies diaper...!!!..both are just DISGUSTING!!!...
i love coconut...;)

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answers from Dallas on

I love coconut!
Fish grosses me out.

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answers from Dallas on

Love coconut.
The smell, sight, even thought of black eyed peas puts me in a bad mood. Tripe, even worse.

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answers from San Francisco on

I like coconut. Reminds me of Hawaii.

I hate bell peppers, and I am actually allergic to the green (unripe) ones. The weird thing is, I love all other kinds of peppers (jalapenos, Anaheims, chipotles, etc). I can and do eat just about everything else, and I'm pretty adventurous with trying weird foods.

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answers from Dallas on

Oranges. Something about the pulp makes me want to gag.
I will choke down a hard boiled egg every so often (I think they smell like bad gas) - but I I get a piece if shell in my mouth - blech.
And, I can only eat perfecly yellow bananas. If there is any green or brown, I can't touch them.

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answers from Bellingham on

Yum, coconut's one of my favourites. I can't eat tuna fish sandwiches.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I HATE dried, shredded coconut. I strongly dislike raw onions, ground sausage, squash and ripe bananas. "Mushy" foods make me gag.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Canned tuna!!! The smell makes me gag.

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answers from Redding on


I love coconut. However, even the sight of creamed corn will make me vomit. I refuse to allow it in my house. I can't even bare to look at a can of it on the shelf at the grocery store. I love corn in it's normal state. Creamed corn can make me feel like passing out. I've been that way since I was a kid.

I also hate cilantro. I absolutely hate it. I won't eat anywhere that I can't get cilantro-free food. It's another thing I won't even allow in my house. I'm not sure why, I have no real explanation for it and I'm not a picky person, but I'd rather starve to death than eat creamed corn or cilantro.

I'm interested to see your other responses.

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answers from San Francisco on

Oh it is so funny that you post this.

We are going out for Thai food tonight and I am craving a coconut/curry dish. I love buying fresh coconut in Hawaii..usually sold out of the back of a beat up old truck on a dirt road on our way to the beach. Love it!!

Yep...I am sure your gag reflex was tickled by that!!

I can't eat foods like tongue or tripe....nasty!!

Good luck and best wishes!!

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answers from San Francisco on

I can't stand salty food, slimy fish or strong smelling fish, beef, steak, or any other meat. I just get grossed out and I always smell the blood. Its gross!

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answers from Chicago on

This might blow your mind, but I don't really like chocolate. I can only eat it in miniature doses (like a snickers mini) anything more than that makes me gag! I never buy candy bars, no chocolate cake, no chocolate icecream. However, my daughter is a chocolate fiend!

I am always amazed by the chocohaulics! Their eyes light up at the site of chocolate. It does nothing for me.

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answers from Louisville on

I love coconut, but I can't stand sweet peas. I think they smell, taste, and look disgusting. I will force myself to eat them if they are part of a casserole or other blended dish, but sitting on a plate by themselves, no way! I also can't handle oatmeal; I think it's a texture thing or maybe the fact that no matter how good it smells, it always seems to be completely flavorless, which doesn't help the texture thing. I actually would like to like oatmeal, but it has made me puke before. Can't quite get over that.

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answers from Huntington on

I like food a lil too much, there is not much I will turn up my nose at. However, pickles are about the grossest thing ever to me. I will not eat them. Also those pinwheel/starlight mints or the butterscotch candies. My stomach is turning just thinking of them. I probably would not eat one even if I were starving. Blech. Love coconut, though!

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answers from Los Angeles on

1) I do like coconut. My husband is like you and seriously dislikes it and won't eat it!

2) I don't really have any food I can't choke down, wait! That's not true! I have tried and will never try again, Raw Oysters! They are SO gross! I did choke it down but it was a serious effort on my part to do so...it's like swallowing a luggie (sp?)! YUK!!!!

Other than that my one food that I think ruins my food (but I will still eat it) and I can always tell when it is in something b/c it's flavor is just SO strong and overpowering for my taste buds is green peppers. I LOVE the yellow and orange ones and can eat them raw, the red ones are OK but still a lil' strong and I try not to make/order food with them in it but I stay away from things with green peppers!

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answers from Washington DC on

Pickles. OMG I hate pickles. Why do restaurants insist on always putting them on your plate?! Then the nasty pickle juice gets on everthing and it all smells and tastes like pickles. I have sent plates back before because of pickle juice!! If its a place that I know give pickes, I do tell them "no pickle please" but they ALWAYS give me one anyway! I guess because its more like a garnish for the kitchen staff or something. Ugg.

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answers from Detroit on

Tomatoes! Grossest vegetable in the history of the world.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Raw green peppers! THe thought of the smell and taste makes me want to vomit!

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answers from New York on

I like coconut in things like Thai soup and other curries, but not as a dessert. It's too much in that dept.

The foods I hate everybody else loves. Cheesecake. Also that cream cheese frosting people put on carrot cake. And bleu cheese. Yeech. It's weird b/c I'm a total cheesaholic under other circumstances.

My husband freaks out at the concept of beets, and my son has this strange, irrational vendetta against rice.

ETA: Oh yeah, sweet pickles and just about anything involving mayo. Those are my enemies too.

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answers from Baton Rouge on

I don't like kiwifruit or pears. I don't like cookies or pastries with the big granulated sugar crystals on top. It's a texture thing - I refuse to eat gritty food.

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answers from Seattle on

Coconut is ok not my favorite. My mid west relatives thing it is strange because I do no like seafood since I'm from Seattle. Tuna, fish , crab, lobster, clam chowder. Raw onions, egg plant, tomatoes but I love ketchup and spaghetti sauce.

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