Feeding My Baby Too Much? I Need Help!

Updated on August 26, 2010
J.T. asks from Statesville, NC
15 answers

my baby boy is now almost 9 months old and he is healthy. He is growing up so fast! My biggest worry is that, we haven't seen the ped in awhile. Well..since he was 6 months old. Now he is almost 9 and I am a couple of weeks away from taking him. The thing is, I was getting the hang of what to feed him then. Now, I am really confused. I have read books, gone online, asked many people on what to do with this matter.

Right now, he is on a great schedule. Let me tell you what I do, so you know what advice to give me. He eats between 8-9am every day. For breakfast, he has a bottle (6oz). I give him the minimum, because I feed him solids too. Then, he has stage 2 (we did stage 1 for a month or two when he was 6 months old) fruits (1-2tbsp) mixed in with (1-2tbsp) of cereal (usually barely, oatmeal, etc.). Next he may have some snacks before he takes a nap..in between his meals...and it's very little, just to get him used to eating some "big boy" food, since he is a week away from being 9 months. I usually give him baby snacks..found in the baby isle of the grocery store. All the little cheerios, grain snacks, things like that. All things easy to gum since he has only one tooth that has just started to come in. Then later, he has another bottle for lunch - (6oz). Following that, he has stage 2 veggies (1-2tbsp) mixed in with a different cereal (1-2tbsp) than he had in the morning. For dinner - he has another bottle (6oz), followed by 2nd stage fruit (1-2tbsp) mixed in with 2nd stage veggies (1-2tbsp) and usually I had just 1tbsp of a 1st stage or 2nd stage meat in there with it. Then, sometimes, I'll give him some noodles and little pieces of American cheese (pasteurized). And then finally...when I'm about to put him to bed, I give him one last bottle (6oz) and then put him to bed shortly after that. **Side note** I have read it's okay to start giving him "finger" foods. I have been told it is (haven't seen my ped yet, so don't know about that one) but other mothers and such. And I am giving the tiniest portions just to get him kind of used to it. He seems to love it and has started to picked it up with his hands, not his fingers yet. So, I know he is not quite ready yet...but he is getting there. He will be crawling..in a matter of weeks!

Whew! That was a lot! Thank you for reading my question. I hope to hear from someone soon regarding this. Thanks so much!

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answers from Cheyenne on

Just a note after reading some of the other posts. You could think about an additional bottle or two a day, but I think 6 oz is appropriate if you like. My daughter never took more than 6 oz from a bottle, but had them more frequently. Babies still need their primary nutrition to come from formula/breastmilk at this age. Sounds like what my kids did at that age!

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answers from Missoula on

It sounds to me like you are doing a really good job. What you have described sounds a lot like what I fed my son when he was that age.
What and when to feed is likely to be one of your main sources of stress as a mom for quite some time. I know when my son was very young I was always worried about it, and looking back there really was no need for me to be. Try to relax and enjoy watching your son experience new tastes and textures, it is such fun.

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answers from Phoenix on

Sounds about the same as what my daughter was eating at 9 months. She was about 75 percentile for height and weight then. I think if he's eating it, not spitting up, not fussy, happy and growing, you're doing a great job!

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answers from Tulsa on

give him 2 more bottles a day and take out the snack. I fed both my boys solids before one year old and he needs more formula. if he is wanting more than what your feeding him plus the 2 bottles I suggested then consider increasing his food only if necessary. if he cuts back on food with 2 more bottles that is cool. he needs 8 oz bottles instead of 6 oz.

I started both of my boys on solids early and both got 8 oz bottles 5-8 times a day on top of the food. you are way to low on the amount of formula. it should be primary and the food secondary. and definately increase the amount at mealtime. he should be eating all of the formula given to him by wic anything over that increase the food. mine was eating all the formula wic was giving me and 3 cans on top of that a month and that was with supplementing food. he needs to eat the minimum amount of formula given to you by wic. which if I remeber right is 7 cans. mine was eating 10 cans of formula a month and alot of food to. but he was getting his necessary formula that the state thought he needed.

I follow the state rules to a point and on the amount of formula I always tried to get him to eat all of his cans. I didn't follow the no food till one rule cause he was eating 10 cans of formula a month on top of food. and he was eating a whole lot of food. he should get at least 8 oz formula 5 times a day before food is given. if he ate 2 bottles for breakfast after 2 bottles he got his solids. but you have to realize the 10 cans of formula he was eating was half formula half cereal and he was eating food on top of that.

my rule was after 2 bottles at meal time before he got solids. only one bottle at snack then solids. 2 for lunch then solids. one bottle for snack then food in the afternoon. and 2 bottles for supper then solids. and one bottle for bed 2 if needed. so I am saying increase the formula. you also have to realize mine was a very very heavy eater.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I think if he is not hungry and happy then everything looks just fine. If he does seem to be hungrier I would not give the snacks and up the bottles to 8 oz. If he wont do 8 at a time then add in another bottle or two. Like another post said they get all their main nutrients from that bottle (formula) right now. Otherwise, you seem to be doing a very good job! I am impressed and all without a doctors advice! Good mom! Keep it up!

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answers from Chicago on

My son is 8.5 months old. He nurses around 5, then around 7, I give him solids. I nurse him again at 8, then at 12, a tiny sip at 2, and again at 6.

He usually eats about 1/2 cup of cereal, 1/4/-1/5 cup of fruit and a few handfuls of cheerios for breakfast. At lunch, he eats a similar portion of solids, mostly all finger foods. Same for dinner. My son was where your son was at at 5 months --he laughed when I first fed him, as he was showing all the signs of readiness at 4 months. He now eats lamb meatballs, beef stew, etc.

In short, every kid is different! In fact, my daughter wasn't much interested in solids till 8 months, and I swear my son is going to wean himself before he's 11 months. He cries for the food on MY PLATE.

I would stay away from baby snacks, however, as they are high in sodium and processed sugars and are going to spoil his taste for normal food.

I'd also highly recommend making your own food. Check out wholesomebaby.com. It's important for babies to get more texture than the processed food gives them. Look up baby led weaning.

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answers from New York on

I think that is absolutely fine. I have a 8.5 month old and I have a very similar feeding schedule. In fact, he is getting 4tbs food per meal and he gobbles it up like crazy! He typically has 4-6oz bottles in a 24 hour period. And will have some bread, cheerios, crackers as a snack or after his "baby food" meal.

If he is able to eat finger foods w/o gagging, go for it. I remember our pediatrician saying that once they can pick up small items using their pointer finger and thumb they are more than likely ready for finger foods. Our son isn't doing that yet, but I am giving him small pieces of "people food" and he is doing well with it.

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answers from Memphis on

I think what you're feeding him sounds good. My babies always drank a little more formula than that, but i don't think he necessarily needs it. My daughter is about to turn one, but when I took her in at 9 months her ped said to increase food and decrease formula because at 1 year, they are only supposed to drink 24 oz of milk a day. If he eats table foods pretty well, I would try adding in some fruits or veggies too. My daughter stopped eating baby food at 8 months which really messed with me at first because my 2 sons didn't start until closer to a year. She would stare at everything we ate so we started to let her try small bites (& she didn't have any teeth at all) and she loved everything. I had just bought a ton of baby food and had to give it all away because once she tasted the real stuff, she would not go back to it. And she eats absolutely everything...even spinach, asparagus, broccoli...things I can't even get my boys to try! Anyway, as long as your son is happy and you know he is getting a full tummy after he eats, then he's completely fine! I'm sure if he wanted more he would let you know :o)

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answers from Fayetteville on

I would just ask if it looks like he is staying hydrated...only 24 oz of drink in a day sounds low to me, but that could be because my 3 boys were all "big drinkers"....still are at the ages of 9,7, and 4. Otherwise, if he is growing well (and not gaining too much weight) and sleeping well, then I say you have a good routine.

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answers from Fort Wayne on

At 9 months, he can eat whatever you're eating. It was recommended by both my girls pediatrician to start them on regular foods at 9 months. The number of teeth doesn't matter. Even if he has all his front teeth, he still won't use them to chew. That's what our molars do and he won't get them for quite some time yet. Just make sure everything it cut up into itty bitty pieces so when he does swallow it whole (and he will) he doesn't choke. Once you can get an idea of how well he chews his food, you can go to bigger pieces.
I'm all for starting table food ASAP for a few reasons. A) it's way healthier than the baby food. Jarred baby food is LOADED with sodium. It's amazing how much is in it. B) It's far cheaper to just give them what the rest of the family is eating. C) Jarred baby food doesn't taste like "real" food. At least not to me. But, we did use the jarred till my girls were about 9 mos.
At 9 months both my girls would eat a whole jar of vegetables and a whole jar of fruit at each meal. They were both itty bitty at 9 months and I have NO idea where they put so much food! :)
Just feed him till he's full. He should give you cues. If he clams his lips shut or turns his head away, then he's full. If he's still opening his mouth like a little birdy, then feed him some more!

The Gerber puffs and such are good for developing the pincer grasp, but you can use other things too. Cheerios, tiny pieces of bread crust or toast, small pieces of fruit, or..well...just about anything!

I would give him a bottle in the morning, then wait an hour and give him baby food. Then another bottle mid morning. A bottle at lunch, then baby food, another bottle in the afternoon, another bottle at dinner time then the baby food, then another bottle before bed.

Adding solids is so confusing! The best thing to do is to follow your baby's cues. :)

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answers from Nashville on

hi, i think it all sounds good . i do think he should be drinking out of a sippy cup during the day. maybe a bottle at bed time before you brush his tooth and gums. don't forget that. if he go's to sleep with the bottle give him water. good luck, mom of 7 R.

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answers from Huntington on

My daughter is the same age as your son. PS- I always offer a sippy cup with water or milk (breast) while she eats. She doesn't drink much, but I don't intend to offer a bottle for beverages once she is weaned, so I want her to be able to use it.

Here is our usual schedule...

6:30am nursing (6-8oz??)
10-11am ish - 1/2 jar of something followed by as much milk as she wants (3-4 oz)
3pm - full bottle (6-8oz)
5pm perhaps some puff to keep her busy while I fix dinner!!
6pm dinner - varies - some nights it is a jar of babyfood, but if what we are having is suitable, I give her some of it (or a combo of baby and 'table' food)
8pm- bedtime nursing

I believe a baby at this age's diet should be primarily breastmilk or formula, but I also want my kid to eat what we eat and get used to our choices. Here are some of the things I feed her. I don't use any salt or butter, etc. :

pea-sized cubes of sweet potatoes, bananas, overcooked macaroni, cheese (not as a whole meal), pinches of homemade crepes, bits of scrambled eggs, unsweetened applesauce.

Watch the diapers. I think to check for hydration, it is supposed to be 4-6 wet diapers aday.

Good luck...I hope it helps.

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answers from Lexington on

Okay, I have a degree in dietetics. Pediatrician's don't have to even take one nutrition class. I don't agree with anyone that says you should feed your baby table food before one year of age- their tummies aren't ready for it(It has been linked with food allergies- just a side note). Other than that you sound like you are doing an absolutely great job. I can tell how much you really care about him and that is what really matters the most.

I can't tell you what my kids ate as far as their bottles because they were both breastfed for the first year, but I know every child is different in their own needs just like adults- how much they weigh and how active they are. My son was crawling at 5 months and cruising at 5 and 1/2 and ate so much more than my daughter who did not start to crawl until around 6 and 1/2 months and really was content to sit and watch her brother run circles around her.

Keep up the good work- I do suggest cutting out the table food until his first birthday. The schedule is a great thing:)



answers from Wilmington on

My boys didn't eat much at 9 months old (still don't at 6 yrs and 2 yrs old). My baby girl though she's the eater. She's 10 months old now and weighs right at 20 pounds. Her nutritionist and her doctor say she is perfect.

Breakfast is 8 oz formula
she goes down for a nap about 2 hours after getting up, when she wakes up, she'll eat 4 oz jar of fruit or veg (or infant cereal) and take a 4 oz bottle.
Two to three hours later, she'll take a 6oz bottle before her 2nd nap.
When she wakes up her dinner is 4 oz jar of opposite what she had earlier and a 4 oz bottle of formula.
While we eat dinner, she plays with puffs (and I help her eat some, and let her taste what we have, if it is soft foods) and works on her sippy cup of nursery water (she might drink 2 oz of water out of it, if that much).
Depending on the times of the day, she may eat another 2-3 oz of food and have a 4 oz bottle before bed, OR just a 6 oz bottle before bed. She sleeps 12 hours at night.

She's crawling really well now and pulling up too (been doing that for about a month now). She has 7 teeth (5 of which she's had since she was 7 mo old).

As long as his weight is in normal range for his height, then I wouldn't worry about feeding too much. Sounds like he's about right on track for this age. Babies tend to eat more just before a major change in activity such as learning to crawl or walking, and of course growth spurts.



answers from Raleigh on

I will say this: I have 3 children who are really fantastic health eaters. I barely gave them any solids before a year. I did feed my first the 'baby food' from the store. After her I realized all I needed to do was purée whatever I was eating. I never bought the stuff after that. Have you tasted it? Ugh:). Anyway. You probably are giving him too much. Every kid is different though. Good luck!

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