Babies on Leashes

Updated on April 12, 2007
K.S. asks from Snellville, GA
30 answers

Hey all. My thirteen month old son is now jogging/walking all the time. He wants to be down wherever we go, and fusses when I try to get him to ride in a grocery cart or stroller. I want to let him walk, and he wants me to let him walk, too, but I have this irrational fear of losing him in the mall or somewhere. The only thing I can think of that might help me is to buy one of those harnesses that look like a backpack but have a litle cord attached, but then I'm the mom with the baby on the leash. Does anyone use this, and is it horrible if I purchased one?

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So What Happened?

Well, we bought one, but I haven't used it yet, since the day after I purchased the silly thing he was suddenly cool with holding my hand as we walked through stores, which makes the situation much better.

And just as a side note, I can't help but feel somewhat attacted and resentful to the people who implied that I was a lazy parent. If anything, I was curious about the harness so that we could both explore the world. I'm hardly lazy -- juggling a job, school and a marriage and family means I spend about five hours a night sleeping, because spending that time with my son is that important. Tired, yes. Lazy or careless parent, no.

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answers from Athens on

I have one I use on my 2 yr. old son. He likes wearing it and it helps keep him in the same zip code. I get strange looks from people but they are usually the ones who's kids are running wild in the store.



answers from Atlanta on

Hi my name is K.. When my two year old was that age I had a bit of the same issue. Have you tried giving him something to keep his attention while you are out? My little one loved the toy cell phones.Hope this helps.



answers from Atlanta on

we have had a great experience with the one I bought, got it at walmart and has Elmo on it, she loves it and thinks it is really cool. I think it is a great idea and it worked for us.

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answers from Augusta on

I have a 2 year old son, Hunter. A few weeks ago my mom and I took him to chuckie cheese, my mom was suppose to be watching him while i counted his tickets, he got away from her and she told me he ran off, i started to panic, my mom said it was ok he was in there somewhere, hes not going anywhere, but i am a first time mom, this is my one and only child so of course i panic more and more every second i couldnt find him, i told her someone could snatch him up and i would never see him again, we found him after about 3 mins but that was the longest 3 minutes of my life. Last night I went to walmart and got a puppy backpack harness.when i got home my dad was very mad about it, he thought it was a stupid idea to put a child on a "harness", he walked out of the room because he was so mad about it, i tried to explain hunter is horrible in the stores but he wasnt having it, i dont care what he thinks though, he is not the only one that commented about it, my sis also said how would you like to be on a harness. but i am doing what is best for my son. we havent went out to a store with it yet but he likes to wear it around the house, in fact he has it on his back right now, i can just unhook the harness part and then its just a backpack. i explained to him that when mommy puts the backpack on he has to walk beside me.. i dont think i will have any problems in public places anymore. and another thing it is cheap. i paid 10 dollars for it at walmart. hope it helps!!

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answers from Augusta on

My 3 yr old also likes to wander off while Im shopping and I also bought him a doggy backpack lease. Believe me when I say this isnt a doggy leash, it doesnt go around his neck and he doesnt walk on all fours. Its very cute and it keeps the child from getting away without u knowing. Never feel quilty for being willing to do whatever it takes to keep ur child by ur side and safe. Any mother who has lost a child and had that fear and anxiety wishes they would have had something like this. Personally I could care less what someone else might think of me keeping my child safe. If you lived ur life in fear and made judgements based on other peoples thoughts about ur parenting then you'd be a bad parent.From experience of this product I can tell you that it helped me and will do the same on the next child. I would wheel them around in a steel cage if I thought it would keep my babies safe. Your choice to make obviously but it helped me, maybe it will do the same for you.

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answers from Atlanta on

I just recently bought one for my son whose 19 months old, going through the same "hating the shopping cart" syndrome. My friends thought it was crazy, but for me it makes me feel a lot better. Its a monkey backpack with a little zipper and the tail is the leash part. Of course, before I had children I thought the same about a kid on a leash, now that I'm a mom ITS THE BEST INVENTION anyone has made!!

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answers from Atlanta on

Hi Lona!

I heard a police officer say once, that there is no such thing as being over-protective of your child(ren). Do what it takes to keep your baby boy safe. I used one while I had two little boys very close in age, and used it with the younger one when I would be out in any populated place. It was very helpful, and to be honest, I never noticed anyone glaring or making any comments. I would think for the most part, people are understanding. Especially anyone that has ever dealt with a very active child. Best Wishes. L.



answers from Atlanta on

We bought one for our 16th month old that looks like a monkey and she absolutly loves it plus it keeps us from having to run after her constantly and keeps her safe so she cant get away and get into a situation that will hurt her...i say let people think what they want...most of the people who think oh shes putting her child a leash dont have kids or have kids who are not old enough to where they have had to worry about it...i say go for it!!



answers from Augusta on

Hi Lona,
When I didn't have kids I always thought those leashes were the worst thing, but now that I have two preschoolers I think a lot differently. My son, who is 3, has about three different kinds. The one that he likes best is one we bought at walmart. It's looks like a monkey backpack. He finds it more comfortable than some of the others. It even holds a couple of snackies and it wasn't expensive. It has all the straps so your little one shouldn't be able to slip out of it. Don't worry about what others think, they're not raising your children and you should do what is best for your child.



answers from Atlanta on

I have an 18 month old son and I also have one of those child harness. He loves it because he can walk with me in the store and i love it because he cant get away from me!! I know that he is there with me the whole time and I dont have to worry about him getting lose or being taken because he is attached to me. I also love that i can put the loop arround my wrist and have two free hands for shoping and still have a hold on him instead of holding his hand. you will like it to I'm sure



answers from Atlanta on

My son is as you described yours. I ended up buying one of those, too, but have never used it. We tried it out in the house first, but whenever tension was put on it (meaning, whenever he tried to go farther than the rope would allow), he'd fall forward. Now he just plays with it around the house. When I take him to the store, I try to occupy him with something else (like a juicebox - he's loves those), and I make the trip very quick. I do the same if we take him out to eat, and then I do let him explore the restaurant a bit (if it's not too crowded, and we also go to family-friendly restaurants).

Good luck and expect to lose some weight chasing him around!



answers from Macon on

My dd is 18 months old, and before she began to walk I was competely against leashes. I thought, "how could anyone walk their child on a leash like a dog". Well... now that my dd is running everywhere and does not like to sit still in a stroller or buggy, I have come to reliaze for her saftey we need to use one. We have the little dog backpack w/cord attached. She loves to wear it. Though I only use it if we are going somewhere crowded and think I might have trouble keeping her near by. So I would say that if you think it is necessary for your ds saftey then use it and don't care what other people think.



answers from Atlanta on

Hi Lona! I have one of those Eddie Bauer backpack harnasses and it was the BEST thing in the world to buy!!! I was concerned at first what people would think, but I have gotten more compliments on it than anything else!! I got it when my son was about 14 months old and he still uses it. He HATES his stroller and with the backpack he feels that he is independent with me knowing that he's safe! He calls it his puppy dog and loves to wear it! I have had MANY MANY people ask me where I got it. Go buy it now, it'll be the best investment for your child!



answers from Atlanta on

I had my second child when my first was 15 1/2 mos. old... and she had just started walking at 14mos. so she was in that "all over the place" phase. I got one because I was afraid that with the newborn in my arms/stroller I wouldn't be fast enough to catch her should I need to. I really don't think there's anything wrong with it at all. Just be prepared... mine didn't like it much and it wasn't the perfect solution. Give it a try though ... (And it's NOT an irrational fear!)



answers from Macon on

hi lona!
i understand your fears. but my personal feelings is that this is your child. not a dog. you keep dogs on leashes, not children.
again, these are MY feelings. my best friend used one with her first. i couldn't stand it!



answers from Savannah on

Hey Lona I know where you are coming from I have four boys and when I saw those things I was like I like that I need to get one or 2 or 3. I really do not care what people think about what I do you do what is best for you and your son. and if you feel that it would benefit you and your son then do it. hw wants to get down and run like a normal kid and you are afraid of someone snatching him so I think it would be a good idea. he can still explore and you can get the shopping done with out the hassle.



answers from Albany on

I have tried it. It works even though I got funny looks from people but you feel better shen you know your children are not going to get away from you. I will just warn you it doesn't take them long to figure out how to get out of it, and once that happens you won't be able to use the leash any more



answers from Augusta on

My daughter had one with elmo on it she called it her elmo shirt. Whats better loosing your kid in a store because theyve run off or some one has snached him or having your kid wearing a harness so you know EXACTY where he is at all times and hes getting exercise. They are safe and keep your child close to you and safe. its a harness and tether not colar and leash. relax people that look at you like your evil or whatever prob dont have kids.



answers from Atlanta on

Years ago, as a Mom with young ones close in age, in order for me to go anywhere and do anything, it meant taking the double stroller. Well, when baby 3 came along, there wasn't room in the stroller for the oldest of the 3. And he was very active, and independant, and he has ADHD. Loves to disappear and hide. At first I was against the "leashes" too, but one day, he got away from me at Shannon Mall. I was so scared and I was crying. Turns out, he was hiding around the corner in the Dollar Tree. I bought one that day at the mall. It worked for a while. Then he figured out how to get it off his wrist. I bought one of the harnesses that zips up the back and you can clip the leash onto the hook in the back. I used it with all of my kids. And yes, I did get rude comments and stares often. But comments and stares don't hurt you if you don't let them-but lose your child in a shopping center and the nightmare becomes a reality. Thankfully I found my child. But think of the parents that child wandered off, and it happens to the best of us, and isn't found. An ounce of prevention can save a life.
It even stopped my son from running out in front of a car once in a parking lot. I had one put into his car seat, was getting the baby out of the stroller, and off he went. The "leash" was still attached to my wrist and I snatched him back just in time.
If you are a parent that takes your child around lakes and pools, think about the advantage of giving your child room to play and learn to swim, without actually letting go of them. If your child goes under in a lake, the visibility is poor and you cannot see where they are.
I don't believe children should be taught to be afraid of water, and to avoid it. Accidents do and will happen. They should be taught early how to hold their breath and get their head up above water. This helps keep the panic mode from setting in as well. And this can be done before they can even crawl. The leash provides an "extra" arm so to speak in allowing your child room to learn and explore while doing so safely.



answers from Augusta on

I had my first daughter on a leash my second daughter was born 15months after my first and I am a working mom I had to do it. Now both my daughters are older and I have a 2yr old son, he is a handful if I could find a leash God knows I would use it. I personally do not think it is bad it is what you can handle forget what people say and think cause if something happens they are not going to be there for you. If you know where to buy one let me know.



answers from Atlanta on

I occasionally used a leash for my VERY ACTIVE son when he was a toddler. And not because we weren't able to watch him closely, but because he was just SO FAST, we were afraid he would get injured, or injure others by running into them. The day I used it at the zoo, the older kids laughed, but the parents chasing toddlers told me they wished they had one that day!



answers from Atlanta on

Hi! My daughter starting walking around 8 months and she was very hard to keep up with. So i purchased a harness and used it several times. It kept her safe and right by my side. Yes I heard several comments being made around me but my child was safe and happy. She fought me to ride in a buggy too, so the harness kept her from fighting me. She got what she wanted and I didnt have to fight with her in public. It only matters that your children are safe and happy. Hope I have helped you.



answers from Atlanta on

They are great. Three children and used it on all of them. My youngest is 6 now and I still use the one that attaches to her wrist and mine(it is about a 3ft long and it just attaches to each our wrist) when we are in busy malls or airports. Sure she could just un-velcro it.......but she wouldn't dare! She knows it offers Mommy peace of mind. Best inventions for Moms & Dads.



answers from Augusta on

I have on for my 2 year old daughter. At wal-mart they have really cute leashes. Like my daughter has one that is a puppy and the puppys tail is the leash handle. Dont worry about what people think at least u know for sure that your son will not be lost ( which can happen very fast) or get into something that can harm him. My daugfhter likes her leash. And people actually tell me how cute the leash is. Of course I do have some people that look at me like I am crazy but how cares, I know that my child isn't running around where she can not get abducted or lost in a store. They come in handle at really busy places ( Zoo, Parades,..ect)



answers from Atlanta on

I used one with my now 10 yr old when he first started to walk it was more for fun with us they have now made some really cute ones like with a stuffed monkey on the back sooo cute I think busy body mothers or other people who want to induct their opinion towards other parents and their decision that they have made about their OWN children should quiet theirselves! That is your child and he is learning and seems to be excited to explore his world and as a mother you should let him and if you have to take percautions to keep him safe in our unsafe world honey do what you think is best for your child and be happy about your decision the important thing is to have fun with your kids and stressing over what to do and what people might say or think takes away from that fun time as you watch your child experience their new world I say go for it!



answers from Athens on

I really don't see anything wrong with them. I think that's a good age to start learning a LITTLE bit of patience and if you have to use a "leash" then use it. I say it's alot better than letting them scream and disrupt everyone else or run around everywhere and possibly get lost. I'm the same way about worrying about them getting lost and I've even considered gettin one too. You do what's best for you and your family and don't pay any attention to those who don't like it.



answers from Columbus on

Hey Lona
I have a 22-month-old. A few months ago we went on a family cruise to the Bahamas, and my husband was terrified that she would fall off the boat, so we bought her a leash. She loved it because it had Elmo on it, and it definitely made me feel safer. I personally didn't care what anyone had to say about my parenting skills. If it works for you, I say do it. No one else knows what's the best for your child. I applaud you for wanting to let him walk around in different places, which is good exercise(for you and him), and a good way for him to learn how to walk better. You are not a horrible Mother:D



answers from Macon on

Hi Lona, I personally cannot go anywhere for any length of time and look at something. I have a 3 year old and a one year old. I have to keep my eyes open to them ALL the time. They should be your number one concern. If you want to be productive and look at things, then get a sitter. I personally don't like the leash because it allows parents to get lazy and not pay any attention to their children. My 14 month old loves to walk whereever we go. If I am looking at something and he wants to run off, then he sits in the cart whether he crys or not. I just have to keep the cart or stroller moving the whole time fo rhim to sit there or give him a toy.

K. S



answers from Macon on

I have one for my daughter! She picked it out and loves the thing she wears it in the house all the time! I got mine at Target and love it.



answers from Albany on

my little girl is 20mnths old & loves to walk like a "big girl" every where we go. i too worry about her getting lost in the stores. for us letting her help push the buggy/cart is a great way for her to have her independence as a "big girl" & a great way for me to keep up with her at the same time. it does take a little longer in the stores this way, but hey why rush a happy moment with your child. she also like to ride on the bottom of the buggy/cart. i hope these tips may help you.

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