Anyone Dealing with CF (Cystic Fibrosis)

Updated on September 17, 2009
T.B. asks from Midlothian, IL
7 answers

I was wondering if there are any moms out there who has a child that was born with CF? I have a really close friend who gave birth 8 weeks ago to a little boy. The hospital ran tha newborn test and screening. The test came back postive. So she brought him in for more testing. Got the results back and now the doctor wants to come in and talk about the results. The nurse did tell her he has a very mild case of CF. I just wanted to find out more about this to give her support in any way that I can. I have been there for all of her kids and babysit them whenever grandpa cant do it. So I'm sure I will be caring for him too and want to make sure he gets the best care.

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So What Happened?

Well the doctor visit went well. He will be given a special vitaim to take once a day and a pill before each feeding (enzyme pill) to help break down fats. The doctor did say that he has a very strong feeling that the baby shouldnt have any problems with his lungs just infertile problem which can be helped later in life when he gets older. The doctor will montior his weight and height. Also she will have to give him 1/8 of teaspoon of salt a day.I wanted to thank everyone who has posted information for me so that I can pass this along to her.

More Answers



answers from Chicago on

I have 2 sisters who have children with CF. Lexi has a son who is going to be 8 next month and Christina has a son who will be 7 and a daughter who is 2. Lexi has 2 older boys who do not have CF and Christina has an older boy and a 4 yr old who do not have it. They are hosting a CF fundraiser on Oct 17th. They are willing to talk to other parents about their experiences. You can go to their fundraiser website for their contact info.

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answers from St. Cloud on

Hi T.! It's wonderful for you to want to support your friend. I have something encouraging for you to tell her!
My husbands 3 uncles all have CF. They are all in their 50's and have greatly outlived their life expectancy! They keep themselves in good health and one even rode in the Tour de France last year!
Keeping up treatments is hard but she can get through it! The most support you can give her is educating yourself so, like you said, you can help give him the best care!
You are an excellent friend!



answers from Chicago on

Very dear friends of ours have a daughter who has CF. It was diagnosed in infancy. She is now in her second year of college. She is a very bright, stunningly beautiful young woman who deals CF and its related issues on a daily basis. Out of necessity, her CF has been a significant part of her life but it has not ruled her life. She has a very full vibrant life complete with boyfriends, love of music and dance, college, part time jobs etc. I hope your friend is able to turn to another mom who can offer support and guidance. I am sure that our friends would be willing to speak with them should she be interested.

Many blessings to them!



answers from Chicago on

My daughter was diagnosed with CF at about age 2. She is now a healthy 41 year old! Our regular pediatrician said if she had it that it was world's mildest case. If your friend's son has a mild case, it shouldn't be a big problem, I wouldn't think. In the time that has passed, I'm sure there has been much progress made in treatment. My daughter had to sleep in a mist tent until she was 5. Her main problem was being very susceptible to colds and upper respiratory problems. Good luck to her and I wouldn't worry excessively, since it is a mild case. (The Dr. at Children's Memorial told her when she was 2 1/2 that she probably wouldn't live past age 12. Nice bedside manner.Ha!)



answers from Chicago on

Hello and Sorry to hear about CF. I've learned alot about CF from a blog I follow and maybe you can look into it or share with your friend. I don't have anybody with CF but the more you learn the better. Good Luck!!! It's great she has you as a friend and a support system. Prayers for baby and family. Here's the link



answers from Chicago on

Hi T..
Does the baby have CF, or is he just a carrier. I am a carrier and when they tested my son at Prentice, his resuls came back "abnormal". We had to bring him to children's for a sweat test and then the test came back negative, so he is simply a carrier. It was such an awful experience, and we thank God everyday that our son is perfectly healthy. I wish your friend all the best.



answers from Chicago on

My nephew who is now 25 was diagnosed when he was 7 years old. My sister has been through a lot with him and has years of experience and knowledge that I am sure that she would share if you needed someone to talk to about it. He just finished his bachelor's degree and is now working on his master's. He also had has a older brother and younger sister and neither of them have it. Contact me at if you would like her name and number. Good Luck.

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