10 Month Old Won't Drink During the Day

Updated on May 02, 2008
R.P. asks from Dewitt, MI
17 answers

For the past maybe 2.5 months my son has refused a bottle during the day. He still wakes up in the night and drinks about 7-8oz. He gets 4-6oz of formula mixed with his cereal for breakfast and then he will take an 8oz bottle or more before bed. So in a 24 hour day he is getting at least 18oz or more and he is having normal numbers of wet diapers. Last night he did not wake up for his 7-8oz bottle so I'm thinking today he will not get enough fluids...one day is no big deal. But, I'm worried that he will start to get less and less unless we can get him to drink during the day. He is just not interested in the bottle, but he will eat any food or snack like it's going out of style!! We have sippy cups but he isn't being consistent with them, they are more of a toy. He is a great eater but how do I get him to drink more?? Any suggestions?

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answers from Detroit on

Don't forget straw cups. You can easily teach a 10 month old how to drink from a straw by starting to put the straw with liquid in it in his mouth and when he sucks a little release the liquid. My son never understood the whole sippy cup tipping over thing and straw cups worked great.



answers from Detroit on

He may be telling you he is ready for a sippy cup. At nine months my pediatrician told me to start all three of my kids on sippy cups with water, with each meal. She said if I felt they needed more formula just mix it in with their food. I wouldn't worry as long as he is having plenty of wet dipers and his weight gain is still good. Kids are funny in the way they let you know they are ready to advance. I hope I helped!

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answers from Detroit on

Have you introduced him to sippy cups yet? Don't go with anything expensive I've found that they all eventually leak. When you start try just cold water at first for somthing new. I knew my three kids (8yr, 35mo, & 13mo)were ready for drinking out of a cup when they insisted on drinking from mine.



answers from Detroit on

I would offer the sippy cup at meals with him. We have started doing that we my son, 9 months, and it is working great. We actually have a free flowing cup though for right now that we control. I would really work on that since he doesn't want the bottle. Maybe he is getting rid of it on his own instead of you having to take it away.



answers from Kalamazoo on

I would try a couple of different sippy cups or some of the ones that transition from bottle to cup. My three were all ready at this age to make the switch and you won't have to fight with it later. Put formula or maybe a little juice in it. This is a good age for trying new things. Experiment with some things you think he will like and once you have found what he will drink from, you can change what you put in it to what you want him to drink (water or formula). Also, make sure his snacks include things that have a high water content and he can get some of his liquids that way.




answers from Detroit on

I think he's trying to tell you he finished with the bottle. You should take this time to get rid of it all together and move on to sippy cups. It's recommended kids be of the bottle by one anyway. So get a few different cups and figure out which he likes best and offer that, even at night. Your doctor will be thrilled that he's off the bottle when you take him for his one year check up!



answers from Lansing on

My daughter started refusing a bottle at 8 months. . . so we started using cups. She's a strong willed child, and wants to do what the big kids are doing. Maybe try giving him fluids in a cup, or a sippy cup (different kinds). It's really important that babies get their fluids, because they can get dehydrated really fast. . .



answers from Grand Rapids on

I'd say congrats mom, baby is done with the baba except at night! Try sipee cups if you think he still needs to be on formula during the day, but if he's a good eater and getting at least 24oz of formula, he's okay.



answers from Detroit on

I wouldn't worry, he's making the transition to table foods. If he's eating as well as you say, then he's getting fluids from foods like vegetables, fruits, soup, etc. If you increased your intake of fruits and vegetables you would notice a derease in your thirst.



answers from Detroit on

he will get enough liquids..
My ped told me that young children will eat and drink exactly what they need.

ther is liquid in his baby food too.

When he can start drinking from a regular cup or a sippy cup he will drink more..

Myduaghter did not care for bottles either - unless she was tired..

try making him another serving of cereal made with formula



answers from Detroit on

Are you giving him the cup to hold himself? My baby is the same age and tends to want to hold the cup herself which ends up all over the place. It took a couple days of struggle, but she doesn't try to hold the cup herself and drinks all that is in the cup.



answers from Detroit on

I'd give more foods that are watery - soup, watermelon is great this time of year, etc., and not worry too much about it. I had one child who did this and suffered no ill effects. At least you shouldn't have some big battle over eliminating the bottle later!



answers from Detroit on

A 10 month old? This is typical behavior for a baby that age. Of course it's a toy. But you need to be consistent and get some liquids in him. He'll dehydrate.

Does he associate drinking with something negative? Like did he try drinking and it spilled all over him? Try different juices. Then you can gradually dilute them down till it's water only (NOT tap water)



answers from Detroit on

Make sure then the foods he eats have a 'water' consistency. Such as fruits or applesauce. Still offer it to him or give him a cup. (not the sippy?) Give him choices as he may just be a bit bored?

A few days is okay, but as long as the foods he is eating contain a fair amount of fluid to them, and he is producing wet diapers... it should be okay. But also check with your doctor, too!



answers from Detroit on

He's happy...he's healthy...he'll drink when he's thirsty. I was still nursing (naps and night time) at that age. I used to try to give hime some water (he was never a bottle kid, so we'd do the sippy cup) when we walked around the mall or Target or in the car or wherever...he'd kinda sip and just enjoy the colorful images. If he's peeing regularly (and you have said he is) and pooping regularly (not sure about that)...he's probably getting enough hydration. If you're really concerned, ask your pediatritian.


A. (9 year old son)



answers from Grand Rapids on

Hi! I had to try different sippy cups with my son to get him to drink from one consistently. I tried them all. I off handedly one day picked up one of the cheap ones that are less than $2....He won't drink from any other typy of sippy cup! He loves his cheapie. I could have saved so much money had I just kept it simple! Have you tried introducing juices yet? Mine gets mostly water in the sippy cup but I will mix juice in sometimes. He loves it. Good luck!



answers from Lansing on


I know that I'm a little late responding to this I wanted to see if you have tried to feed your son the bottle first before food this usually worked great with my children. I would give them them bottle and wait 30 or 40 minutes than offered him is breakfast lunch or dinner what ever meal we are at. At this age he should be drinking at least 24oz of formula a day. He still is getting some nutrition from the bottle. Especially iron. I breast feed my sons my youngest would not take a bottle at all and he ended up being iron deficiency. I do believe that you should introduce a cup. I find that the soft spouts work best but also straw cups work great. If you find you cant get him to drink I would call your doctor. Hope this helps M.

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